Sunday, June 7, 2020

How are horoscopes so accurate?

Hugo Pittari: Your horoscope could fit almost anyone and so is not accurate at all, almost everyone has deep feelings of some sort that will eventually be sorted out, I know I have, it's a typical generalisation.Astrology is complete nonsense, Adolf Hitler and the present Pope for instance share the same birth sign, Aeries.James Randi who is a world expert at exposing fakes in this category has a $1,000,000 challenge to anyone who can prove their ability in any paranormal field.As a young man, to make some extra cash, he used to collect completely random horoscopes from dozens of old newspapers and sell them to his local newspaper, they were completely mixed up, but he still received lots of mail telling him how 'accurate' his predictions were....Show more

Randall Twehous: because everything they say is very relatableto very many people in very many different situationsmost of them have to do with relationshipsand everyone has relationships in there livessome of whi! ch are usually going badlythey also have to do a lot with confusionor mistakes people commenly talking badly to or about someone.horascopes just say things that are commenly thought aboutand people look for ways to make them fit into their own livesthey want the horoscope to be right and so it is. :)thats what i think anyways...Show more

Esteban Lyson: because of the shift in the planets, the planets that go with your sign, the stars and your true sign that reflects you.for me its pretty accurate too..XD. im Aries by the way.

Mayola Sylva: They give you a load of vague words. And in your mind YOU try to relate them to something that then happens later on. It's not really accurate, it's just clever word play. : )

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