Sunday, June 21, 2020

Barak Obama talks about change and how we can make it exactly? other than one lousy vote?

Raul Lushbaugh: He may get to pick a supreme court judge. That might over turn Roe v Wade. May do away with Maranda rights. May all the government to tap your phones without a warrent. Search your house without due process.

Palmira Lochridge: I think your a little confused the president appoints people over things and has a huge impact on the country. He will appoint all democrat leaders.

Madge Voice: Real change happens at the individual level, not at the government level. Individual make changes, governments ratify the changes we make.Insurance for example. When Bill Clinton was in office Hillary tried to change healthcare. She failed, but the will of the people had some success. By giving public voice to our demands for more coverage, we gave insurance companies a reason to offer more affordable plans (though many are still far too expensive) that were not dependent on being employed at a certain job and followed us from one job to another.If more people wo! uld swtich to alternative fuel vehicles sutilizing renewable fuels (like SVO) then our buying power would force the gas and oil companies to change their gears to keep pace with the customers that they do not wish to lose.Here in Arizona, illegal aliens went on strike to try and show their value as part of the workforce. Other thanclogging up traffic, the impact was so low that it allowed for those advocating tougher enforcement of existing laws to make their point. We have had a 40% drop in the illegal population and though it is causing some alarm over whether schools will be closed, the result has been smaller classes and less crime in the schools that had the largest population reductions.So, while voting is important, protest and buying power are important as well....Show more

Jed Mutone: I can hear him chanting to himself before he gets on the stage: "BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME"...One vote at a time the people will give up their freedoms and it will not be: ! "and that government of the people, by the people, for the peo! ple, shall not perish from the earth". It will be: You are now directed BY THE GOVERNMENT!!Yeap, just one vote at a time....Show more

Gaylord Barragan: All you have to go on is ANY candidates wordjust check his website go straight to the horses mouthnot second hand B.S. on ISSUES and READ...Show more

Delphine Cajka: i'm no longer balloting for him for the easy fact that he's not experienced in any experience of the be conscious and that i've got faith that there are extra qualified African-American adult men or women human beings that would desire to fill the placement of the chief of the unfastened international lots extra effectual. As of now, i'm in my opinion for Hilary Clinton. The clinton years have been the perfect time ever(in between the worst time ever) no longer something is desperate in stone, yet while there are actually not any applicants that make me replace my strategies. Clinton has my vote, she is a l! ot extra matured....Show more

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