Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Cómo prepararse para el examen veterinario anual de su perro

Cómo prepararse para el examen veterinario anual de su perro

Anote las preguntas y preocupaciones sobre la salud de su perro. El examen veterinario anual es un buen momento para discutir con su veterinario las preguntas y preocupaciones sobre la salud de su perro. Por ejemplo, si su perro no se está moviendo tan bien como antes, o está envejeciendo y usted se pregunta si necesita cambiar su dieta, hable de estos temas con su veterinario. Cuanta más información reciba de su veterinario sobre la salud y el bienestar de su perro, mejor podrá cuidar de él.

Pregúntele a la recepcionista qué debe llevar al examen. Cuando llame al consultorio del veterinario, pregunte si necesitará llevar consigo documentos médicos o muestras (fecales, de orina) a la cita. Si usted sabe de antemano lo que tendrá que traer, estará mejor preparado para el exame! n.

Confirme si debe ayunar a su perro antes del examen. Los análisis de sangre son parte del examen veterinario anual del perro. El ayuno ayuda a asegurar que los resultados de la prueba sean precisos y no se vean afectados por lo que come su perro antes de la extracción de sangre. Además, algunos análisis de sangre, como el de ácido biliar, requieren que el perro esté en ayunas durante 12 horas antes de que se tome la muestra de sangre.

Mantenga la orina fría. Si no vas a ir al consultorio de tu veterinario dentro de la hora siguiente a la toma de la muestra de orina, mantén la muestra fría y colócala en el refrigerador. Puede permanecer fresco en el refrigerador hasta doce horas. Si coloca la muestra de orina en el refrigerador, mantenga el recipiente lejos de alimentos y bebidas y limpie el área después de sacarlo del refrigerador.

Seleccione una fecha y hora para el examen. Dependiendo de la edad y la salud de su perro, el examen veterinari! o anual puede durar mucho tiempo. Por ejemplo, si su perro tie! ne una enfermedad crónica (por ejemplo, diabetes) o múltiples problemas de salud, su veterinario puede tardar más tiempo en examinarlo y realizar pruebas. O, si su veterinario sospecha de un nuevo problema de salud durante el examen, su perro puede necesitar pruebas adicionales durante la cita.

Recoja una muestra fecal fresca. Para el examen veterinario anual de su perro, su veterinario examinará sus heces en busca de parásitos intestinales. Antes del examen, es probable que necesite tomar una muestra fecal. Esta muestra debe tener menos de doce horas de antigüedad. Una muestra fresca proporcionará los resultados más precisos, ya que los huevos y larvas de algunos parásitos intestinales pueden llegar a ser irreconocibles en muestras fecales antiguas.

Tome nota de la dieta de su perro. Durante el examen anual, su veterinario querrá saber sobre la dieta de su perro. Antes del examen, anote todo lo que come su perro, incluyendo golosinas y suplementos. Si! ocasionalmente le da de comer a su perro sobras de comida, escríbalo también. Lo que come su perro puede afectar a su salud, por lo que su veterinario tendrá que conocer los detalles de su dieta.

Recoge la muestra. Aunque recoger caca de perro nunca es divertido, recoger una muestra le ayudará a prepararse para el examen anual de su perro. Recoja una muestra con una bolsa para perros o con un recogedor de caca. Si usted usa una bolsa para perros, voltéela del revés para que su mano esté en el exterior de la bolsa. Tome una muestra, use su mano libre para girar la bolsa hacia afuera, y haga un nudo en la parte superior de la bolsa. Hacerlo de esta manera evitará que sus manos se ensucien.

Coloque el recipiente de plástico en el chorro de orina de su perro. Mientras esté fuera con su perro, vigile sus movimientos para saber cuándo está a punto de orinar. Cuando su perro comience a orinar, coloque lenta y suavemente el recipiente de plástico en el cho! rro de orina, cerca de la parte trasera de su perro. Es importante ser ! lento y gentil para no asustar a su perro.

Empaque la muestra fecal. Si recoge la muestra fecal más de doce horas antes del examen anual de su perro, puede mantenerla fresca poniéndola en su refrigerador. Primero, transfiera la muestra a una bolsa de plástico sellable. Luego, coloque la bolsa que se puede sellar en otra bolsa para evitar que el refrigerador se ensucie.

Pregunte sobre el costo del examen. Debido a que los exámenes veterinarios anuales implican la evaluación de muchos aspectos de la salud de su perro, el costo del examen podría ser alto. Cuando programe el examen, pida a la recepcionista una estimación del costo del examen. El costo real puede ser diferente, pero sabiendo un costo aproximado de antemano evitará el choque de calcomanías cuando el examen termine. Los costos aproximados de un examen veterinario anual se enumeran a continuación:

Seleccione un recipiente en el que recoger la orina. Si no puedes recoger un recipiente est! éril de la oficina de tu veterinario, utiliza un recipiente de plástico que tengas en casa. Asegúrese de que se trate de un recipiente que no vaya a utilizar de nuevo. Ejemplos de contenedores de plástico son los contenedores de mantequilla vacíos o un pequeño contenedor de almacenamiento de alimentos.

Reúna los archivos médicos de su perro. Si va a llevar a su perro a un veterinario nuevo, lleve los documentos médicos de su perro con usted a la cita. El papeleo importante incluye el historial de vacunación, los resultados de pruebas previas de gusanos del corazón y exámenes fecales, y cualquier tratamiento que su perro haya recibido (por ejemplo, cirugías, tratamiento para enfermedades crónicas como la diabetes). Además, traiga documentación que enumere los medicamentos que su perro ha tomado o está tomando actualmente, como medicamentos preventivos (por ejemplo, pulgas y garrapatas, gusanos del corazón).

Elija una hora para recoger la orina. ! Será más fácil recoger una muestra de orina cuando la vejiga de su p! erro esté llena. Por lo general, los perros necesitarán orinar después de levantarse por la mañana y después de comer. Los perros también orinan durante las caminatas o cuando hacen ejercicio. Elija un momento en el que su perro tenga más probabilidades de orinar.

Recoja una muestra nueva. Al igual que con una muestra fecal, una muestra de orina debe ser lo más fresca posible. Idealmente, recoja la muestra dentro de unas pocas horas del examen anual. La orina debe estar en un recipiente plástico estéril y sellado. Si decide recoger la orina usted mismo, intente pasar por el consultorio de su veterinario antes de la cita para recoger un recipiente estéril.

Monday, June 29, 2020

what do u think about marriage?

Codi Manchel: My wife and I have been married for 28 years and we've had fun all the way. You have to work to make a marriage a success, and always use the 50/50 rule, i.e. share and do everything 50/50, or negotiate. And the sex is just as great, if not greater, than the first time together.

Tyrone Disanti: It can be good but never perfect.I would not like to live alone and I am glad to have kids, even when they give me trouble.Thanks for your good question.

Mack Ukich: Well keep in mind marriage is an INSTITUTION!!! Does anyone really want to spend the rest of their life institutionalized?? You can guess what sex I am by my ID and moniker!!!

Lucien Hellerman: If he is not on the lease then when he is out change the locks. Have his belongings boxed up and ready for him to pick up on the front porch. If need be get a restraining order.

Lorelei Lilburn: Marriage is a covenant made between a man and woman commiting before God and the people around ! them that they'll love one another and cherish one another. Also, it's a commitment made to be faithful to each other.Marriage to me means what i just said. And to love one another and nurture our young together. Besides all these, to serve one another until we return to our Heavenly Father!...Show more

Ninfa Asby: marriage is simply a bliss if u carry it maturely

Donald Caravalho: i think that marriage is d best commitment that anyone can make in life. its really a secret vow to that person to prove his/her love for each other and marriage to me means everything since its rightly approved by God.

Kellie Waycott: Not worth the time and money in today's world.

Dulcie Edis: im new.

Imogene Neiswander: call the police have him removed, get a restraining order out against him, change the locks on all doors and widows, get a security system put in, change your phone number, learn self defense and get a concealed weapons permit in case he tries to a! ttack you. do anything and everything you are able to protect! yourself from this guy......this type of guy is very dangerous and needs to be put in jail, for he sounds like he enjoys violence against women......do what you have to in order to protect yourself...Show more

Kip Ockenfels: Your going to be in for a long drawn out struggle.Its not like he is a renter or anything like that. He lives there also. Yo will have to go to your magistrates office and get a notice to vacate, not an eviction, and wait the time out. It costs more and there are more legal hurdles to jump over. In the time being try to get a restraining order to where he can't come back.

Nilda Bafia: nothing than keeping yr beloved for u by adding more barrier in his/her way to leave u.

Alberto Kozub: just tell him u think u should break up and keep the phone by ur side in case he gets out of hand call the police

Kaley Lappas: A sacred union of a MAN and a WOMAN....or a WOMAN and a MAN.

Bryant Pillitteri: The scariest thing about marriage! is the long-term commitment and the implied permanence of that commitment. I can think of no other non-religious human relationship that requires it. So many people find it difficult or impossible to live up that ideal. That's why marriage is not right for everyone and why half of all marriages end up in divorce.

Adan Stribble: being marriage is knowing that u are going to spend the rest of your life with the person that u love and that u will always have somebody for u to pull u back up when u are feel down and a shoulder to cry on and a best friend when u don't have a best friend i have being married for almost 9yrs now with two kids but we have being know each other for 12 yrs , and we have ours problems but we sit down like adults and work them out

Christy Tirabassi: Why should I have to be? I don't find it at all difficult not to be.

Romeo Tinnea: It's the ritual that is placing the two half hearts together, making the whole love heart. Marriage! is the most beautiful real dream on Earth.

Antone Bual: After 18! years of marriage and got cheated on, marriage, to me, does not mean a thing when one party fails to fulfil the meaning.

Hyman Coren: It is a part of human life and it is a must .But ,i dont know i cant handle everthing after it...Tell it now u freak

Lita Thammorongsa:

Hans Sachetti: The best thing to do is notify the police. Let them know your situation and have someone come out. You don't need a court order or anything, unless they tell you. Once this happens and he's gone, make sure you change all of the locks on your doors. If you come home one night and he's there waiting, call the police, don't speak with him on your own. All of this will also create a paper trail and make sure you keep documents yourself. Since he's the violent type, things won't get any better with him I'm afraid to say. Just becareful and also let friends and family know what's going on....Show more

Soraya Coodey: as long as the place is in your name only tell him he's out! . if you feel he may be violent, call the local p.d. they can send someone over to escort him out. change the locks and make sure he has EVERYTHING with him when he goes. that leaves him with no excuse to come back. if you still feel threatened, get a restraining order against him. good luck to you.

Claire Billegas: someone you can call your best friend,soulmate, some one that your compatable with a person you can depend on being their 4 good or bad. and some one you can look back on and say id do it all over again 4 better or worse till death

Rosalyn Olivera: giving up things and loads of compromise

Johnny Sirko: marriage to me means two people taking vows to stay bonded together until death do them part!!!! That means even in the bad and hard times somehow ,you must work together to keep the relationship strong!!! it means going through many obstacles struggles and pain and being there together after the hard times has passed and saying Damn We made it t! hough that !!!!So we can make it through anything as long as we stick T! ogether!

Marti Declue:

Kaley Lappas: Marriage is a man-made concept. Although the idea is very good. When two people find a connection in this crazy world and they want to make a commitment to each other, that is marriage. Marriage isn't the exchange of vows, the flowers or the rings. It is rather the devotion and effort that goes into helping and caring for another human being. A selfless love. It's not easy. It's never supposed to be easy. It it were, then something is wrong. Just like anything else that is truly worth preserving, this relationship takes a lot of hard work. Just because you hit bumps along the road does not mean you and your significant other were not meant to be. You've got to be strong, your LOVE has got to be strong. Marriage could end up to be the most wonderful part of your life, if you let it be that is. Or it could completely break you and tear you up, if you let it....Show more

Dwight Siniard: When I take my marriag! e vows I take them very seriously and go to every length to make them work. I was married once to a very big butt. Very abusive to me and my children and I tried everything to make it work til he almost killed me then i was gone. Now I am married to an angel sent from heaven for me and I truly love him and death will do us part no matter what

Joni Ziak: I think many people believe marriage is ideally finding the right person and the right circumstance and living the idyllic "happily ever after" in some sort of blissful fog. I think of marriage as a miracle you create with someone else through your own hard work, perseverence, and dedication. It's a confluence of both spiritual and physical love, faith and loyalty that blends two whole people into a living unit that is geater than the two apart; a place where your weaknesses are buffered and your strengths magnified. A place where your individual and mutual goals are supported, and where you find and give acceptance.! ..where you are free to be yourself, yet you strive to be even better. ! You are family, in its highest ordained sense. As such, it's likely the greatest and most challenging work you'll ever do....Show more

Frederick Mccoach: Do not have even the slightest thing to do with a baby(that is what he is) who has"anger" problems. Call the police if he even raises his voice at you.

Tereasa Sorensen: its hard, takes work n this is the only one ill eva have wont do it again, but fun 13 yrs this november 10th

Antone Youla: waste oÆ' time

Dorinda Metzer: If it is your place and yours alone then I would suggest finding a new place, letting him know when you are moving but not where to and have someone with you at all times if you truly believe he may be violent.

Sammy Tabatt: marriage is the union of 2 souls,2 families and 2 worlds!!its as pure and true as god!!

Bell Pasco: marriage is stupid to me, i want to be single for ever

Norris Rosener: You need to get a certain amount of points. I think it's 250. Answer a q! uestion you get 2 points. Get chosen as the best answer you get 10 points. Simple as that.

Augustus Sarria: Marriage is wonderful. It can be hard at times but the hard times lead into good times that you will alwalys remember.

Magda Vandergriend: Marriage is unconditional love, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Fritz Hawkey: marrage means comitment for the rest of your life love and devotion and trust and children

Krystal Cordovano: I had a friend with the same problem several years ago. She got 10 friends together both male and female to "help" her boyfriend move out on a Saturday. With so many people around he wasn't in much of a position to do anything except pout and call one of his friends for a place to stay.He was moved out in a BIG hurry, and the locksmith was already changing the locks before the last box was packed out and he gave up the mail key willingly to get back his half of the deposit. One of the bigger friends pulled him ! aside near the end of the move and mentioned to her now ex boyfriend th! at it would be wise to never contact her again if he "knew what he meant".She also changed her number to unlisted. When he bumped into her later on he only scowled and walked away muttering.Hope this helps!...Show more

Asley Quickle: Marriage it is so hard job for all of you life.But you get receive incredible price for your effort.

Brittney Inabnit: I had the same problem. I couldn't get him to leave, so i did. I talked to my landlord and explained the situation and he was very helpful. So one day when he wasn't home i packed everything up and left. You may have to do the same. Good Luck!

Bethanie Menden: Is he on the lease? If he's on the lease you unfortunatley can't kick him out. But if he's not you can get a police officer to escort him from the property. I would also get a PFA against him if he is violent. Good luck hun

Barrett Felicia: Marriage is NOT easy, but can be wonderful. It's nice having someone love you even when you're having a ba! d or don't look your best. But don't kid yourself, for a marriage to work it takes a lot of time and effort from both spouses. For me? I love being married. If I knew it would be this great I would have gotten married younger.

Reginald Maxi: A loving friendship that is forever.

Comment éviter l’arsenic dans le riz

Comment éviter l’arsenic dans le riz

Le riz est un grain très polyvalent qui peut être apprécié seul ou dans une grande variété d’aliments et de boissons. Cependant, le riz absorbe également l’arsenic pendant son processus de culture, dont une partie peut vous être transférée. Pour éviter la présence d’arsenic dans le riz, commencez par faire bouillir votre riz à ébullition complète dans beaucoup d’eau. Essayez aussi d’acheter du riz cultivé aux États-Unis, au Pakistan ou en Inde. Limiter votre consommation de riz en général ou rechercher des substituts sains et à grains entiers peut aussi vous aider.

Ajouter de l’eau dans une casserole propre dans un rapport de 6:1 de riz et d’eau. En règle générale, ajoutez 6 volumes d’eau pour 1 volume de riz dans le pot. Donc, si vous faites cuire 1 tasse (240 mL) de riz, vous devrez verser au! moins 6 tasses (1 400 mL) d’eau. Cette eau aidera à éliminer l’arsenic pendant la cuisson du riz.

Faites tremper votre riz dans l’eau toute la nuit. Versez votre riz dans une casserole. Ensuite, ajoutez de l’eau jusqu’à ce que vous ayez atteint un ratio de 6:1 pour le riz. Placez le couvercle sur la casserole. Laisser reposer le riz dans l’eau pendant au moins 6 heures.

Réduisez votre consommation d’aliments transformés contenant du riz ou du sirop de riz. Avant d’acheter un aliment préemballé à l’épicerie, retournez l’article et lisez attentivement son étiquette des ingrédients. Recherchez le riz ou ses dérivés, comme la farine ou le sirop de riz. Optez plutôt pour un produit qui utilise des édulcorants naturels autres que des édulcorants à base de riz ou des grains de remplacement.

Remettre le riz dans son pot d’origine pendant 10 minutes. Lorsque vous avez vidé l’eau, versez le riz dans la marmite. Laisser repo! ser non chauffé et non dérangé pendant au moins 10 minutes.! Vous pouvez couvrir la casserole si vous voulez conserver une partie de la chaleur. Une fois ce temps écoulé, le riz est prêt à servir et à manger.

Choisissez du riz blanc au lieu du riz brun. Si vous essayez simplement d’éviter l’arsenic, alors le riz blanc est le bon choix puisqu’il ne contient pas l’enveloppe extérieure du riz brun. C’est dans les couches extérieures qu’une grande partie de l’arsenic s’accumule. Le riz brun contient donc plus d’arsenic, car sa carapace extérieure est encore intacte.

Égoutter l’eau du riz. Installez une passoire dans l’évier. Ensuite, versez délicatement le riz et l’eau dans la passoire. Remuez légèrement le riz pour encourager toute l’eau à s’égoutter.

Limitez votre consommation de boissons à base de riz. Bien qu’elles puissent être savoureuses, les boissons qui contiennent du riz comme ingrédient contiennent des niveaux élevés d’arsenic inorganique. Le thé de riz b! run, l’alcool de riz et le lait de riz ne sont que quelques exemples de boissons qui devraient être consommées de façon minimale ou supprimées de votre alimentation. De plus, ces types de boissons ne devraient jamais être offerts aux enfants en raison de leur teneur élevée en arsenic.

Rincer le riz égoutté. Une fois les 12 heures écoulées, versez l’eau de la marmite dans l’évier à travers un tamis métallique. Une fois toute l’eau retirée, utiliser une cuillère pour mettre une partie du riz dans la passoire. Faire couler l’eau du robinet sur le riz pendant 1 minute. Ensuite, arrêtez l’eau et laissez égoutter le riz avant de le mettre de côté. Répéter l’opération avec le reste du riz.

Communiquez avec les entreprises rizicoles pour savoir si elles effectuent des analyses d’arsenic indépendantes. Consultez les coordonnées figurant sur l’emballage du riz ou faites des recherches en ligne sur le nom de l’entreprise. Ensuit! e, renseignez-vous auprès d’eux sur les normes d’essai de leurs pr! oduits. S’ils ont complété les tests d’arsenic, demandez qu’ils vous dirigent vers cette information ou qu’ils vous l’envoient par courriel.

Choisissez votre riz dans des lieux de production de haute qualité. Tous les producteurs de riz ne sont pas égaux. La quantité d’arsenic inorganique que l’on trouve dans le riz varie selon l’origine du riz. En règle générale, le riz à sushi des États-Unis et le riz basmati blanc de Californie contiennent moins d’arsenic.

Réduisez votre consommation de riz en général. Que vous trouviez un substitut exact pour votre consommation de riz ou non, le simple fait de minimiser la quantité de riz que vous mangez réduira votre exposition à l’arsenic. Pensez à la quantité de riz que vous mangez au cours d’une semaine et visez à réduire cette quantité de moitié ou plus. Cessez d’acheter du riz lorsque vous magasinez et procurez-vous plutôt d’autres céréales pour réduire la tentation d! e cuisiner avec ce produit.

Porter le riz et l’eau à ébullition pendant 30 minutes. Une fois que vous avez rempli la casserole, couvrez-la d’un couvercle et augmentez le feu à son maximum. Attendre que l’eau commence à bouillir complètement avant de baisser légèrement la température. Votre but est de maintenir une ébullition pendant au moins une demi-heure, tout en ne brûlant pas le riz à une température trop élevée.

Remplacez le riz par d’autres céréales. La plupart des recettes qui nécessitent du riz se marient très bien avec un grain de substitution, comme le millet. Allez à votre épicerie et ramassez des paquets de petite taille d’une variété de grains à faible teneur en arsenic, comme l’amarante, la polenta ou le sarrasin. Ensuite, essayez d’incorporer ces grains dans votre alimentation quotidienne comme substituts du riz.

Donnez à votre bébé une grande variété de céréales enrichies de fer. Les jeunes enfant! s sont souvent exposés à l’arsenic contenu dans le riz lorsqu’on ! leur donne des céréales de riz. C’est particulièrement fréquent lorsque les parents utilisent des produits à base de riz pour faire passer leur enfant des liquides aux aliments solides. Remplacez ces collations de riz et ces céréales par des produits céréaliers enrichis d’ingrédients comme l’avoine ou l’orge.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

how much does a ymca family membership cost?

Forest Duttinger: My family membership is $80 per month. I'm in the US.

Lu Tiner: monthly is about $80 canadian where i live. dunno about currency for usa.

Comment créer une station d’alimentation à l’épreuve des ours et des oiseaux

Comment créer une station d’alimentation à l’épreuve des ours et des oiseaux

Utilisez prudemment votre échelle pour placer le boulon à oeil dans le même arbre que le treuil.

Utilisez un lien rapide pour relier l’Å"illet de dé à l’Å"illet de ce dernier arbre.

Utilisez des tire-fonds pour monter le treuil sur un arbre avec le contrôle de direction en bas.

Fixez l’extrémité libre du câble au tambour du treuil à l’aide d’un serre-câble. Il n’y a pas de contrainte sur cet accessoire, donc une pince est tout à fait adéquate.

Remplissez les mangeoires. Pour ce faire, actionnez la commande de direction du treuil et tenez la poignée pour vous dérouler sous contrôle.

Ramenez l’échelle jusqu’à l’arbre avec le treuil. l’aide de l’autre maillon rapide, fixez la poulie au boulon à oeil au-dessus du treuil.

Déroulez complètement le câble. Enfiler ! l’extrémité libre à travers la poulie ou démonter la poulie pour insérer le câble. N’oubliez pas que si vous n’avez pas de poulie qui se démonte, c’est une étape cruciale !

Choisissez deux arbres. Ils devraient être espacés d’environ 10 à 50 pieds (3 à 20 m). Ils doivent avoir au moins 4″ de diamètre à la hauteur pour attaquer le fil. La hauteur désirée pour attacher le fil doit être d’au moins 8′ â€" plus haute pour un espacement plus large des arbres afin de permettre l’affaissement.

Montez les équerres de fixation à l’arrière du treuil. Tenir l’angle éloigné de la poignée et parallèle au tambour. Il se peut que vous ayez besoin de percer des trous dans le support pour adapter la configuration des trous du treuil.

Enroulez le fil lâche sur le tambour en maintenant une certaine tension sur le fil lâche. Ajouter un ou plusieurs crochets en S à peu près au milieu du fil avant de tendre le fil. Placez un disp! ositif d’alimentation ou un autre poids sur le crochet pour ! faciliter l’abaissement du câble. Deux personnes sont utiles, mais non critiques, à cette étape.

Montez l’autre boulon à oeil dans l’autre arbre. Faites-le à peu près à la même hauteur que les premiers boulons à oeil. (La photo montre un fil avec un dé à coudre et une pince, et un boulon à oeil. Un lien rapide n’a pas été utilisé, mais il est recommandé).

Installez la cosse dans l’extrémité libre du câble à l’aide d’un ou deux serre-câbles.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

How does human interactions with air harm the environment?

Len Dalba: Industrial pollutionSmoke from automobiles.Burning plastics in openFarting lol..Use of chemicals.Ejaculation of various gases from aeroplanes and roketsAll these interations with air harm the environment...Show more

Mildred Pombo: air pollution, the green house effect, acid rain, cloud seeding

Comment jouer en tant que Dita Von Teese Cosplay

Comment jouer en tant que Dita Von Teese Cosplay

Perfectionner la peau. Le maquillage de Dita est d’une élégance impeccable, mais il peut être un peu difficile de recréer le look soi-même. Commencez par votre peau : prenez soin d’elle et essayez d’éviter les éruptions ou les boutons en maintenant une routine quotidienne de nettoyage et d’hydratation. La peau de Dita est généralement pâle, mais il y a un art à cela : essayer de ne pas ressembler à un clown. Appliquez délicatement de la poudre blanche sur votre visage, en n’oubliant pas de l’appliquer sur les autres parties de votre peau qui sont exposées afin que vous n’ayez pas l’air de porter un masque. Cela ne devrait pas être évident du tout : simplement une pâleur élégante. Cependant, ce n’est pas tout à fait essentiel, car Dita ne le fait pas toujours. Vous pouvez simplement laisser votre peau telle quelle ou utiliser une pou! dre subtile pour obtenir une apparence plus lisse.

Acquérir la lingerie parfaite. Bien sûr, Dita est célèbre pour la belle lingerie qu’elle porte et dans laquelle elle est vue. Elle aime la lingerie élaborée, comme les corsets et les basques et les basques, ainsi que les bas très moulants et élégants. Le monde de la lingerie peut être un peu compliqué, surtout quand vous essayez de tirer du look impeccable de Dita. Pour vous faciliter la tâche, n’oubliez pas les éléments essentiels suivants :

Appliquer l’eye-liner. À l’aide d’un crayon noir, tracez doucement et subtilement la ligne des cils du bas, puis tracez une ligne un peu plus épaisse sur la paupière supérieure de la ligne des cils. Vous pouvez vous donner des « yeux de chat » en dessinant une courbe ou une arche qui suit votre eye-liner supérieur. Faites-le aussi épais ou mince que vous le voulez, mais rappelez-vous que moins c’est plus, et que l’élégance/classe est ! la clé.

Définissez vos sourcils à l’aide d’un pin! ceau doux pour créer un sourcil tout aussi élégant et lisse. Cueillez-les pour les garder en bon état. Utilisez des crayons à sourcils pour les remplir et les gels pour sourcils sont particulièrement bons pour créer la forme. N’importe quelle marque fera l’affaire et vous pouvez consulter la gamme Dita by Art Deco pour savoir ce qu’elle utilise.

Mettez-vous en forme. Cette étape est facultative car vous n’avez pas besoin d’avoir une certaine taille ou forme pour être élégant et élégant. Dita s’attache à se sentir bien dans sa peau et sa ligne de vêtements va même jusqu’à la taille 22. Elle a dit dans une interview pour Vogue qu’elle avait trouvé que certaines de ses robes étaient plus belles sur des femmes plus voluptueuses. Par conséquent vous ne devriez jamais vous affamer ou vous rendre malheureux en essayant de perdre du poids ! Bien que vous devriez toujours essayer de rester en bonne santé. Dita fait du yoga tous les jours et! fait de l’exercice régulièrement. Elle boit aussi beaucoup d’eau. Ce sont des choses qui non seulement sont bonnes pour votre santé, mais qui aident aussi à garder votre peau en bonne condition. Différents types de thés sont également très bons pour vous, en particulier le thé vert. Rappelez-vous juste que peu importe votre apparence, vous pouvez toujours être aussi glamour que Dita.

Coiffez vos cheveux. Dita est née avec un look blond platine classique, mais après l’avoir teint en noir, c’est devenu la partie la plus importante de son look, à part ses tenues. Vous n’avez pas besoin de vous teindre les cheveux si vous n’en avez pas envie, bien que cela vous aiderait beaucoup. Si vous ne voulez pas teindre vos cheveux en noir, essayez une autre couleur foncée comme le chocolat/brun foncé. Vous obtenez également des matrices semi-permanentes qui disparaissent de vos cheveux après environ 15 lavages. Mais lisez toujours les petits caractère! s au dos de la boîte pour vous assurer que c’est ce que vous recherc! hez. Apprenez à perfectionner les boucles que Dita pratique toujours : pas de boucles ou de frisottis, mais de grosses boucles au rouleau. Vous pouvez les créer avec de vrais rouleaux, ou très soigneusement avec un lisseur/boucleur de cheveux régulier : rappelez-vous, de grandes boucles larges et lâches. Ou vous pouvez opter pour le look légèrement différent, qui est un style plus lisse, légèrement plus droit, avec seulement les extrémités des cheveux bouclés. Dita épingle habituellement sur le côté de ses cheveux vers l’arrière et a l’autre côté encadrant son visage, bien que parfois elle repousse les deux côtés en arrière. C’est à vous de décider ; n’oubliez pas de ne pas être un peu unique. Une fois que vous avez bouclé et coiffé vos cheveux, pensez aux accessoires. Quelques accessoires typiques de Dita incluent :

Complétez le look lingerie. Magasinez et cherchez de la lingerie ou des sous-vêtements qui complètent le look burle! sque â€" des choses simples et élégantes, comme de la dentelle, des volants ou de la soie. Les couleurs dépendent de vous et de votre style, bien que certaines couleurs que Dita porte généralement soient le noir, le rouge, le blanc pâle/nacré, et parfois le vert, le violet et le rose. On la voit aussi de temps en temps sur des empreintes de léopard, ou autres. Expérimentez et trouvez quelque chose qui vous convient / vous flatte et vous fait vous sentir bien.

Va chercher la garde-robe. Dita ne porte pas de lingerie 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7 â€" elle a aussi sa propre garde-robe unique et quotidienne. Plongez dans le monde du vintage. Dita dit qu’elle était fascinée par le cinéma des années 1940 et la mode rétro dès son plus jeune âge et qu’elle jouait souvent à se déguiser. Restez à l’écart des tendances ennuyantes de la mode et faites revivre les styles anciens. Dita porte beaucoup de robes vintage avec volants et dentelle, dans toutes! les longueurs â€" robes longues, genoux ou mini-robes. Achetez des vê! tements de cérémonie et réapprovisionnez votre garde-robe de tous les jours. Essayez des couleurs claires unies, comme les roses pâles/rose, ou des couleurs plus vives comme les bleus et les verts, ou des noirs et blancs élégants. Les imprimés comme les pois et les fleurs sont également très élégants, bien qu’unis est très bien. Les bons styles vestimentaires sont les mini-robes sans bretelles, ou celles qui s’enroulent autour de la taille. Vous pouvez également essayer des jupes et des chemisiers du même genre. Essayez de regarder les sites d’achat en ligne. Dita a la robe à revers de Glamour Bunny Clothing qui se vend à seulement 57 £ (89 $USD) http://www.glamourbunny.com â€" Un autre bon point de départ serait http://www.unique-vintage.com/.

Trouvez le rouge à lèvres rouge parfait pour vous en expérimentant des nuances. Vous pouvez essayer un bâtonnet rouge cerise ou un ton légèrement plus foncé, selon la couleur de votre peau. Vous p! ouvez également utiliser un crayon à lèvres pour rendre vos lèvres plus pulpeuses, et un gloss pour les lèvres pour leur donner un éclat. Si vous ne voulez pas porter de rouge à lèvres, portez simplement un gloss clair. Entretenez vos lèvres avec un baume ou un bâton à lèvres, car si elles sont habituellement sèches et craquelées, le rouge à lèvres ne les cachera pas facilement. Assurez-vous de vérifier la présence de rouge à lèvres sur vos dents !

Obtenez les extras et les accessoires. De grands rubans colorés ou noir/blanc à mettre dans vos cheveux ou sur votre chemise sont parfaits, tout comme les rubans. Essayez de porter des talons qui vont avec votre tenue, pour les occasions officielles. Si vous recherchez juste des chaussures de tous les jours, essayez les ballerines plates.

Friday, June 26, 2020

effects of uses chlorine in environment?

Hwa Waterford: Health effects of chlorineChlorine is a highly reactive gas. It is a naturally occurring element. The largest users of chlorine are companies that make ethylene dichloride and other chlorinated solvents, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resins, chlorofluorocarbons, and propylene oxide. Paper companies use chlorine to bleach paper. Water and wastewater treatment plants use chlorine to reduce water levels of microrganisms that can spread disease to humans (disinfection).Exposure to chlorine can occur in the workplace or in the environment following releases to air, water, or land. People who use laundry bleach and swimming pool chemicals containing chlorine products are usually not exposed to chlorine itself. Chlorine is generally found only in industrial settings.Chlorine enters the body breathed in with contaminated air or when consumed with contaminated food or water. It does not remain in the body, due to its reactivity.Effects of chlorine on human health depend ! on how the amount of chlorine that is present, and the length and frequency of exposure. Effects also depend on the health of a person or condition of the environment when exposure occurs.Breathing small amounts of chlorine for short periods of time adversely affects the human respiratory system. Effects differ from coughing and chest pain, to water retention in the lungs. Chlorine irritates the skin, the eyes, and the respiratory system. These effects are not likely to occur at levels of chlorine that are normally found in the environment.Human health effects associated with breathing or otherwise consuming small amounts of chlorine over long periods of time are not known. Some studies show that workers develop adverse effects from repeat inhalation exposure to chlorine, but others will not.Environmental effects of chlorineChlorine dissolves when mixed with water. It can also escape from water and enter air under certain conditions. Most direct releases of chlorine to the ! environment are to air and to surface water.Once in air or in ! water, chlorine reacts with other chemicals. It combines with inorganic material in water to form chloride salts, and with organic material in water to form chlorinated organic chemicals.Because of its reactivity chlorine is not likely to move through the ground and enter groundwater.Plants and animals are not likely to store chlorine. However, laboratory studies show that repeat exposure to chlorine in air can affect the immune system, the blood, the heart, and the respiratory system of animals.Chlorine causes environmental harm at low levels. Chlorine is especially harmful to organisms living in water and in soil....Show more

Magda Vandergriend: it causes the breakdown of the ozone layer in the atmoshpere because of free radicals

Cómo usar MP3myMP3 para obtener canciones de MP3 gratis

Cómo usar MP3myMP3 para obtener canciones de MP3 gratis

Descargue el archivo a su computadora. Ponga los archivos donde quiera que estén, etc. Una vez que haya terminado la instalación, estará listo para comenzar su experiencia multimedia musical.

Conecte su reproductor de mp3 o ipod a su ordenador de la forma en que lo haría normalmente (normalmente en su unidad USB). A continuación, abra el explorador de Windows. Haga clic en la unidad que el ordenador le asigna. Esta unidad suele estar una letra por encima de su unidad más alta actual. Para la mayoría de la gente esta es la unidad D, siendo la unidad de CD para que su reproductor de mp3 aparezca como la unidad E. A menudo también se muestra el nombre del reproductor de mp3.

En primer lugar, es necesario que se produzca una cierta navegación web. Escriba en su barra de direcciones, «www.mp3mymp3.com». A! hora haga clic en «descargar». Esto debería llevarte a download.com. Haga clic de nuevo en el botón verde que dice «descargar».

Accede a Google.com. Haga clic en el vídeo y escriba el nombre de la canción que desea obtener. Oprima Enter. Los videos deben aparecer. Haz clic en cualquiera que reproduzca la canción que buscas en él, ya sea un vídeo musical o una presentación.

Una vez finalizado el vídeo, pulse «stop» en la grabadora mp3. Haga clic en reproducir y escuche su grabación tantas veces como desee. Una vez que esté satisfecho con lo que escucha, haga clic en «guardar en mp3». Ponga un nombre al nuevo archivo.

Prepara la grabadora, abre el archivo mp3mymp3. Una vez abierto, haga clic en «source», luego en «stereo mix». A continuación, ajuste el volumen de grabación y las escalas de volumen master a exactamente 50. Minimizar la grabadora. Ahora ha configurado la grabadora my mp3.

Desconecta tu mp3 y enciéndelo. Ahora to! do lo que hay que hacer es disfrutar de su nueva música!

Haga clic en el vídeo de su elección. Antes de que pueda comenzar, pulse «stop». Saca tu grabadora de mi mp3 otra vez. Presione «grabar» y luego haga clic INMEDIATAMENTE en reproducir en la barra de vídeo. Usted puede minimizar la grabadora en este momento si lo desea.

A continuación, baje a la barra gris en la parte inferior de la pantalla. En el extremo derecho debe aparecer un pequeño icono que parece una ficha gris con una flecha verde sobre ella. Haga clic en él. Esto desconectará su reproductor de mp3.

Vaya a la carpeta donde guardó el archivo mp3. Haga clic una vez en la grabación en mp3 y arrástrela a la unidad «E». Una caja gris debería aparecer diciendo que está transfiriendo su archivo mp3 a su reproductor mp3. Ahora, haga clic en su reproductor de mp3. Asegúrate de que el archivo que grabaste está ahí.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

What will be the best title for a seminar on Green Living?

Cierra Gadbaw: Green Living for Sustainable Development

Comment voir les limitations de vitesse sur les routes lors d’une balade en Uber Driver

Comment voir les limitations de vitesse sur les routes lors d’une balade en Uber Driver

Vérifiez les alertes. Vous n’obtiendrez pas d’alertes sonores pour vous avertir si vous roulez trop vite, mais le panneau de limitation de vitesse dans l’application peut être réglé sur rouge à blanc si vous roulez trop vite.

Tapez sur le commutateur « Show Speed Limit » à droite de l’étiquette. Si le cercle de l’interrupteur est rempli, c’est qu’il est allumé. Si elle n’est pas remplie (et à gauche), elle est éteinte.

Ouvrez Uber Driver. L’icône est marron avec une icône hexagonale blanche et un motif carré découpé au milieu.

Sauvegardez vos paramètres et revenez à la carte. Appuyez plusieurs fois sur les flèches dans le coin supérieur droit â€" une fois pour sortir de la page de limitation de vitesse, puis de nouveau pour sortir de la page Paramètres de l’application, ! et de nouveau pour sortir de la page Compte. Appuyez sur le X pour quitter la page Profil et notifications.

Allez en ligne et acceptez un voyage. Faites le voyage.

Conduisez jusqu’à ce que vous voyiez un panneau de limitation de vitesse dans votre application. Vous trouverez le panneau de limitation de vitesse juste au-dessus de la boîte à outils Sécurité dans le coin inférieur gauche de l’application.

Ouvrez votre page de configuration. Touchez l’image de votre profil dans le coin supérieur droit et appuyez sur « Compte ». Tapez sur « Paramètres de l’application » pour accéder à votre menu Paramètres.

Tapez sur l’option « Speed Limit ». Vous trouverez cela en bas de la liste entre « Partager un voyage » et « 911 Data Sharing ».

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Comment être comme un Gémeau typique

Comment être comme un Gémeau typique

Les Gémeaux sont perfectionnistes. Bien que tous ne soient pas perfectionnistes, les Gémeaux ont la capacité de faire beaucoup de travail en moins de temps.

Avoir de bonnes aptitudes à la communication. Les Gémeaux gouvernent le monde de la communication. Ils adorent parler et discutent constamment avec les gens en ligne ou en personne.

Soyez plein d’esprit. Les Gémeaux sont connus pour être spirituels et sarcastiques bien que leur sarcasme puisse blesser d’autres personnes. Essayez de faire des blagues spirituelles et humoristiques avec un léger sarcasme.

Soyez des apprenants enthousiastes. Les Gémeaux sont très intelligents. Bien que certains puissent sembler inintelligents, dans l’ensemble, ils ont un QI élevé. Si vous n’êtes pas particulièrement ou naturellement intelligent, alors vous pouvez essayer d’apprendre et d’être bien inform! é sur la culture et les problèmes.

Sois un extraverti. Les Gémeaux sont francs et extravertis. Ils aiment dire ce qu’ils pensent, même s’ils ne partagent souvent pas leurs sentiments les plus profonds avec qui que ce soit. Les Gémeaux partagent leurs pensées les plus profondes avec une ou deux personnes ou peut-être, personne. Les Gémeaux pourraient aussi être introvertis ; cela dépend de leur humeur, qu’ils le soient ou non.

Avoir de bonnes compétences en rédaction. Les Gémeaux ont de très bonnes aptitudes à l’écrit et à l’oral. Ce sont de très bons débatteurs et ils savent très bien écrire.

On dirait qu’il y a toujours quelque chose qui m’intéresse. Les Gémeaux sont toujours impliqués dans quelque chose. Continuez à faire quelque chose de nouveau comme apprendre la guitare ou lire un nouveau livre.

Sois heureux tout le temps. Les Gémeaux sont toujours heureux et grégaires. C’est amusant d’être dans le c! oin et c’est la vie de la fête !

Les Gémeaux sont fl! irteurs et amicaux. Ne soyez pas trop flirteur, mais la plupart des Gémeaux sont de bons flirteurs et sont super amicaux.

Ils ont beaucoup d’amis. Cela ne veut pas dire qu’ils ne sont pas de bons amis, mais qu’ils ne passent pas beaucoup de temps avec tous leurs amis. Mais ils sont toujours fidèles à leurs meilleurs amis/bons amis. Ils ne disent jamais de secrets et sont très loyaux.

Leur personnalité change constamment d’une personne à l’autre. Cela signifie qu’ils ont tendance à être différents avec des personnes différentes. À un moment donné, vous les verrez peut-être traîner avec des intellos et même se comporter comme une reine de sororité, à un autre moment, vous les verrez agir comme une reine de sororité.

what are the three views on global warming?

Lyman Gauld: There have been plenty of shortcomings in regards to the climate change issue (i.e. lack of peer review/reproduction of results), but that is not to say that we as humans are not making a negative impact on the world in which we live. We are depleting a natural resource (carbon fuels), that is NOT renewable.I personally think that we need to stop arguing back and forth about the existance of global warming, because it is a complete waste of energy. As a society, we need to be focusing our resources on developing clean, renewable sources of energy, rather than proving or disproving eachothers theories about the existance of such a natural phenomena as global warming. Yes, the world is heating up; it is a cycle that repeats itself every so many thousands of years, just like ice ages. As far as to answer your question, check out NPR's website with an article about the 3 different views on global warming: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?story..! . Basically, the experts are divided as such:1. There is global warminga. We should institute social change, so that we leave less of a carbon footprint.b. We deal with the repercussions of said carbon footprint by burying the extra greenhouse gases deep in the earth2. Global warming is a hoax, and a conspiracy.Hope that helps....Show more

Madie Strople: for help ; open third & fifth link here: www.sos-environment.co.cc

Cortez Badolato: Third option is that Global forces. Corporates and Marketers are exploiting Global warming for their own purpose. This sound pretty much logical to me

Jacques Vaquera: The global warming controversy is a dispute regarding the nature, causes, and consequences of global warming. The disputed issues include the causes of increased global average air temperature, especially since the mid-20th century, whether this warming trend is unprecedented or within normal climatic variations, whether humankind has contributed signific! antly to it, and whether the increase is wholly or partially a! n artifact of poor measurements. Additional disputes concern estimates of climate sensitivity, predictions of additional warming, and what the consequences of global warming will be. The controversy is significantly more pronounced in the popular media than in the scientific literature, where there is a consensus that recent global warming is mostly attributable to human activity....Show more

Rebeca Mckin: I think Global Warming is going to happen~ no matter what we do about thisits just part of a climate change that is effecting this world

Danica Timperman: There is global cooling?Really doesn't matter, it's really a hoax perpetuated on the people around the world for years. Some people have a hard time believing this, it ia difficult for some to comprehend based on being lied to all these years. It really is those who grew up at the beginning of the "global cooling" stage, and "earth day". I agree we should not pollute and have even assisted on starting a re! cycling in my area years ago. Now it's an everyday fact that people recycle around here. We have been "cleaning" up our water, land and air since I was young, and it's now become the norm, but young "environmentalist" feel as if they are the first generation to be so eco-friendly, when in fact was my generation. So excuse me if I am having a difficult time believing is a THEORY based on a consensus not less, that has to modify the term "climate change" now to cover their butts....Show more

Renato Abatiell: There is an environmental disruption and it is caused by man. That pretty well covers it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

First time sex for both of us, do we still need to use protection?  

First time sex for both of us, do we still need to use protection?  

answers 0:My girlfriend and I have never been in a relationship before, so neither of us has had sex. If we're both new to sex, not having been exposed to STDs, do we still need to use protection?I did some research but I just got confused and worried. Some websites say to use protection at all times, some say only when you've both been tested and some just say have sex but be safe. I also found out that lesbian (although we're bisexual) protection is usually a plastic glove or dental dam (which i have never heard of or seen before). I also read that the old "spit or swallow" rule shouldn't be used. Just use protection. Do we still need protection even if we're first-timers?Thanks in advance!!...Show moreanswers 1:First, you can never be sure if someone isn't hiding a previous relationship.Second, ! a condom can also help prevent pregnancy.The short answer is YES.answers 2:Yes, most definitely. Use protection.answers 3:If you're both girls, then obviously there's no risk of pregnancy, and if neither of you have had sex or used drugs before then there's no chance of having any STDs or HIV (and besides, it's very hard to transmit HIV through lesbian sex anyway). I think, in this situation, that you'd be fine not to use protection (unless I've got it wrong and you're a male/female couple, in which case you still need to use protection to prevent pregnancy). Sex between two female virgins is extremely safe and I think it would be overly paranoid to use plastic gloves and such (and this is from someone who is generally very paranoid about STDs)....answers 4:I think using condoms would be wiseanswers 5:Yes, use protection. It doesn't matter that you've never had sex before, most STDs can be transmitted in other ways, too. It will still feel good and you won't regret it lat! er.answers 6:i think i should mention we're both girls...answe! rs 7:It would be wise to use protection.She may not have STD's but that doesn't means that she is safe, and neither are you.Think of it like handling an unknown vial of blood. You don't now if the blood contains and HIV virus, so it's better to wear a glove than not wear one and get infected.Once you and your girlfriend trust each other 100%, then you should move on to the 'no protection zone'.BTW: a dental dam is a a condom that was cut into a big square.You place it on the entrance of the vaginaIt is mainly used to protect the person giving oral from getting vaginal secretions in his/her mouth....answers 8:absolutely! it's equally (if not more) important, if you are first timers. unless you know for sure that none of you have any STD's you must use a condom. being your first time will give you NO protection what so ever above everybody else. condoms will also prevent unwanted pregnancies.edit: you're girls... oh. well use a latex glove then....answers 9:No have a babyansw! ers 10:Why do we have young children brush their teeth when they're just going to fall out? To promote healthy habits and choices down the road.Same idea with safer sex. It is entirely up to the two of you to decide your level of comfort. If you two are prepared to deal with any unforeseen consequences (bacterial infections, undetected sexual transmissions, magical same sex pregnancies, ect) together in a supportive manner then go for it. Be sure to have a very clear talk and plan about using or not using barriers during sex.Dental dams, fyi, are basically cling wrap pieces that people using when preforming oral acts on vaginas or anuses. They bring down the risk of skin to skin transmissions, protect from fecal to oral contamination, and sometimes taste like vanilla, strawberry, ectGloves are common when a partner's hands are either exposed to chemicals at work, nails are in rough shape (both of you should trim your nails to avoid damaging each other unless that is a discu! ssed scenario that you agree on), there are cuts or open sores on your ! hands, ect.In the end, it is a choice you two will make. Nobody here will be watching you to make sure there is latex/nitrile gloves on everything. Even if you choose not to use them this time, it would be a good idea to get comfortable with them in the future as you move forward in your sexuality. Some people will not have sex without them, and you may as well get your good fumbly times out early and have a laugh with someone close to you....

Monday, June 22, 2020

Conservation of angular momentum?

Maritza Ebanks: Let L = angular momentum = I*omega where i = moment of inertia and omega = angular velocitynow omega = v/r and I = 1/2*m*r^2 (for a solid disk) for a hoop use m*r^2 (but for conservation in this problem it really doesn't)So L = 1/2*m*r1^2*(v1/r1) = 1/2*m*r2^2*(v2/r2) Simplifying we getr1*v1 = r2*v2 If you had used m*r^2 for I you would have obtained the same results...Show more

Rosio Pasculli: L = IωI = mr^2 for a hoop; it's mr^2/2 for a uniform disc, but it won't matter here because you only care about proportions for your question.ω = v/rL = (mr^2)(v/r)L = mvrSo if mass stays constant,m(v1)(r1) = m(v2)(r2) = I(v1)(r1) = (v2)(r2) = I/m...Show more

Ignacio Imbier: Every derivative of mass with respect to motion has an effect on the magnitude and/or direction of the local gravitational field. Even things like compression and shear stress do this a bit. The mass-energy contribution to the gravitational field is the only contribution th! at's large enough for us to notice most of the time (the DC component, you might say). So angular momentum is a minor source of gravity, which causes gravity to be less than entirely a central force.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Barak Obama talks about change and how we can make it happen...how exactly? other than one lousy vote?

Raul Lushbaugh: He may get to pick a supreme court judge. That might over turn Roe v Wade. May do away with Maranda rights. May all the government to tap your phones without a warrent. Search your house without due process.

Palmira Lochridge: I think your a little confused the president appoints people over things and has a huge impact on the country. He will appoint all democrat leaders.

Madge Voice: Real change happens at the individual level, not at the government level. Individual make changes, governments ratify the changes we make.Insurance for example. When Bill Clinton was in office Hillary tried to change healthcare. She failed, but the will of the people had some success. By giving public voice to our demands for more coverage, we gave insurance companies a reason to offer more affordable plans (though many are still far too expensive) that were not dependent on being employed at a certain job and followed us from one job to another.If more people wo! uld swtich to alternative fuel vehicles sutilizing renewable fuels (like SVO) then our buying power would force the gas and oil companies to change their gears to keep pace with the customers that they do not wish to lose.Here in Arizona, illegal aliens went on strike to try and show their value as part of the workforce. Other thanclogging up traffic, the impact was so low that it allowed for those advocating tougher enforcement of existing laws to make their point. We have had a 40% drop in the illegal population and though it is causing some alarm over whether schools will be closed, the result has been smaller classes and less crime in the schools that had the largest population reductions.So, while voting is important, protest and buying power are important as well....Show more

Jed Mutone: I can hear him chanting to himself before he gets on the stage: "BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME"...One vote at a time the people will give up their freedoms and it will not be: ! "and that government of the people, by the people, for the peo! ple, shall not perish from the earth". It will be: You are now directed BY THE GOVERNMENT!!Yeap, just one vote at a time....Show more

Gaylord Barragan: All you have to go on is ANY candidates wordjust check his website go straight to the horses mouthnot second hand B.S.http://www.barackobama.com/index.phpclick on ISSUES and READ...Show more

Delphine Cajka: i'm no longer balloting for him for the easy fact that he's not experienced in any experience of the be conscious and that i've got faith that there are extra qualified African-American adult men or women human beings that would desire to fill the placement of the chief of the unfastened international lots extra effectual. As of now, i'm in my opinion for Hilary Clinton. The clinton years have been the perfect time ever(in between the worst time ever) no longer something is desperate in stone, yet while there are actually not any applicants that make me replace my strategies. Clinton has my vote, she is a l! ot extra matured....Show more

Comment cuire les filets de basa

Comment cuire les filets de basa

p>Si vous en avez assez de la morue mais que vous aimez le goût du poisson blanc doux, achetez du basa. Il est facile d’aromatiser ces filets délicats et de les cuire de différentes façons. Pour un repas élégant, faites chauffer le gril et mettez les filets dans des sachets d’aluminium avec du citron et des herbes fraîches. Pour faire un plat avec un peu de chaleur, couvrez les filets dans une sauce épicée et faites-les cuire au four jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient écaillés. Si vous aimez le poisson croustillant, trempez les filets dans un enrobage de farine de maïs et faites-les frire à la poêle jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient dorés.

Préchauffer le four à 350 °F (177 °C) et déposer le poisson sur une plaque à pâtisserie. Placer 4 filets de basa sur la plaque de façon à ce qu’ils soient en une seule couche. Vous devrez! également déplacer une grille de four au centre du four.

Assaisonner le poisson avec du sel, du poivre, de l’huile, du citron et des herbes. Verser 1 c. à thé (4,9 ml) d’huile d’olive sur chaque filet. Saupoudrez-les ensuite de sel et de poivre. Répartir le citron émincé entre les morceaux de poisson et déposer une branche d’herbes fraîches sur le dessus.

Placer les sachets d’aluminium sur le gril et couvrir le gril. Disposer les 4 sachets d’aluminium sur le gril chaud. Il est important de les placer du côté le plus frais qui n’a pas les brûleurs ou les charbons chauds. Reposez le couvercle sur le gril.

Servir les filets de basa poêlés. Éteignez le brûleur une fois que vous avez fini de faire frire tous les filets. Transférer le poisson frit dans une assiette tapissée d’essuie-tout et servir pendant qu’il est encore chaud. Garnir le poisson de quartiers de citron et d’un filet de sel.

Déposer les filets de basa! sur des morceaux de papier d’aluminium. Enlevez 4 morceaux ! de papier d’aluminium d’environ 46 à 51 cm (18 à 20 pouces) de long. Placer 1 filet de basa au centre de chaque morceau de papier d’aluminium.

Assaisonner le basa avec du sel, du poivre et du jus de citron. Arroser les filets avec 1 c. à thé (2 g) de poivre noir moulu, 1 c. à thé (5,5 g) de sel et 2 c. à table (30 ml) de jus de citron.

Enrober le poisson de farine, d’Å"uf et de semoule de maïs. Déposer 4 filets de basa dans le bol avec la farine et les retourner pour qu’ils soient enrobés. Transférer les filets farinés dans l’Å"uf battu et les retourner pour les recouvrir. Soulevez ensuite chaque filet vers le haut pour que l’excédent d’Å"uf retombe vers le bas. Abaisser les filets dans la semoule de maïs et les retourner pour les enrober.

Chauffer l’huile végétale pendant 4 minutes. Verser 1 ⁄2 tasses (350 ml) d’huile végétale dans une grande poêle ou une casserole et tourner le brûleur à feu moyen-élevé. Laiss! er chauffer l’huile pendant 4 minutes pour qu’elle commence à miroiter.

Installez une station de dragage avec l’oeuf et la farine restante. Sortir 2 assiettes à tarte ou bols peu profonds de plus. Mettre la 1/2 tasse (52 g) de farine restante dans l’une des assiettes et casser 1 Å"uf dans l’autre. Ajouter 1 c. à soupe (15 ml) d’eau dans le bol avec l’Å"uf et fouetter jusqu’à ce que l’Å"uf soit mélangé.

Enrober la basa avec le mélange épicé. Déposer le mélange épicé uniformément sur chaque filet sur la plaque à pâtisserie. Utiliser le dos de la cuillère pour l’étaler de façon à ce que les filets soient complètement enrobés.

Servir les filets de basa grillés. Une fois le poisson fini, transférer les sachets d’aluminium dans une assiette. Ouvrir chaque sachet et déposer le poisson grillé sur les assiettes de service. Servez le poisson avec des poivrons grillés, une salade de pommes de terre ou une salade du jar! din.

Mélanger la semoule de maïs, 3 cuillères à soupe (24 g) ! de farine et les épices. Mettre 3/4 tasse (115 g) de semoule de maïs dans une assiette à tarte ou un bol peu profond. Ajouter 3 cuillères à soupe (24 g) de farine avec 1 1/2 c. à thé (8,25 g) de sel, 1 c. à thé (2 g) de poudre d’ail et 1/2 c. à thé (1 g) de poivre de Cayenne. Fouetter jusqu’à ce que les épices soient bien mélangées.

Retirer et servir les filets de basa épicés. Éteindre le four et retirer la plaque à pâtisserie. Servir le poisson chaud avec du riz cuit à la vapeur et des légumes rôtis.

Laisser mariner le poisson pendant 15 minutes. Réserver le poisson pendant que vous mélangez le mélange d’épices. La basa absorbera les saveurs du sel, du poivre et du jus de citron pendant la marinade.

Chauffer la moitié d’un gril à feu vif. Si vous utilisez un gril à gaz, tournez les brûleurs d’un côté du gril vers le haut et laissez les autres brûleurs éteints. Si vous utilisez un gril au charbon de bois, rempli! ssez une cheminée de briquettes et allumez-les. Déposer les braises chaudes sur un côté du gril et laisser l’autre côté vide.

Cuire la basa épicée au four de 20 à 25 minutes. Mettre la plaque dans le four préchauffé et cuire le poisson jusqu’à ce qu’il s’écaille lorsque vous faites glisser une fourchette au centre. Vous pouvez également insérer un thermomètre à lecture instantanée au centre pour voir si le poisson a atteint 63 °C (145 °F).

Mélanger l’huile, le chili, le gingembre, l’ail et la purée de tomates. Verser 4 cuillères à soupe (59 ml) d’huile végétale dans un petit bol et ajouter 2 cuillères à soupe (32 g) de pâte de chili rouge. Incorporer 2 c. à thé (4 g) de gingembre frais râpé, 4 gousses d’ail haché et 4 c. à table (55 g) de purée de tomate.

Griller les filets de basa pendant 10 à 15 minutes. Si vous avez des filets minces, commencez à les vérifier après qu’ils aient été sur le gril ! pendant 10 minutes. Pour tester, ouvrez soigneusement un paquet et fait! es glisser les dents d’une fourchette au centre du filet. Si elle est opaque et s’écaille facilement, la basa est prête.

Scellez les sachets de papier d’aluminium. Rassemblez les deux côtés d’une feuille de papier d’aluminium et rassemblez-les vers le centre. Pliez les bords dans le sens de la longueur et aux extrémités pour que le poisson soit complètement scellé à l’intérieur du sachet de papier d’aluminium.

Faire frire 2 filets pendant 4 à 5 minutes. Une fois que l’huile est chaude et que vous avez enrobé le poisson, abaissez lentement les filets dans la poêle. Laisser frire le poisson pendant 2 minutes, puis le retourner délicatement pour le faire frire pendant encore 2 minutes. Le poisson doit être brun doré et croustillant.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Are people missing the point about alternative fuel vehicles?

Marvel Mcaulay: Any consumption uses limited resources, we only have a finite earth.however Electric motors and batteries require less exotic materials and far fewer composite components that are hard to separate & recycle than complex infernal combustion engins & transmission systems.Motors have been printed on circuit boards and mounted in the wheel hub; LI-ion batteries are fully recyclable.Henry Ford was making car panels out of hemp fibre, and Toyota are investigating plastics from sweet potatoe.I think the most difficult component post-peak oil will be the tyres qhich need about 8 gallons each.The only real sollution to 6-9bn humans living on a finite planet is a culture shift to one that recognises the limits to growth and puts human values (like health, friends, good food) over the persuit of company profit and following latest fashions etc, as defined by the ancient Greek Epicurius http://www.alaindebotton.com/philosophy.asp...Show more

Jana Sakasegawa: Met! als are the most recycled materials there are. Metals are much more easily recycled than plastic. If you want to live like the Amish, a small, limited life in one place without going anywhere, go ahead, but don't force your ideas on me. I do not choose to pull back, retrench, hunker down, go back, give up, have less, sacrifice. I intend to soar, to innovate, to improve, to expand, to solve problems that have yet to be solved, like how to get off this planet and claim the whole universe as our home, and to invent new technologies like solar cells cheap enough to put on every roof....Show more

Jackelyn Archut: I am going to describe heresy... we may need to abandon large cities, along with abandoning transportation in cars.Cities will be unsustainable if we do not have just lots of energy to power them, transportation into them and out of them. We may find it practicable only to live within a bike ride from the land where we (not someone else) grow our food.We could bu! ild many gigawatt of nuclear plants and power everything from ! that. If we are content to build an infinity of wind power machines we might be able to support our base load. One of our most urgent problems may be weed control to continue to feed ourselves. We may need manpower (hand weeding) right where we grow our food.Forget about how those many stoop laborers will power their cars. it will be food clothing and shelter for them.Until basic energy requirements for cities are planned for and executed, it does not much matter how we power personal vehicles....Show more

Jonathan Schlussel: Thanks for all the interesting answers so far. A couple of my thoughts:1: I live in rural England so perhaps I underestimated the average American city-dweller's need for long-distance transport. However, I saw a prog on TV which said the American city would not survive in a world without abundant cheap energy. 2: It's my personal opinion that hydrogen cars, compressed air cars, etc., are a long, long way off because ! a whole new fuel delivery system would have to built across the world. Hydrogen is a non-starter at the moment (high pressures involved in production and distribution, it's made from natural gas, etc.) and compressed air - well, even air compressors require energy to drive them, and the energy output will in someways have to be fuelled by the energy input + losses in the compressors, pipelines, etc. Basically, we're back to the energy-of-production-and-distribution problem with new hydrogen and compressed air infrastructures around the world....Show more

Annabell Bevier: No, because ethanol has issues. Biodiesel has about 3x more yield from the same land and energy inputs...http://www.mda.state.mn.us/renewable/renewablefuel...... and that's just using corn and soy, which are actually terrible crops for making biodiesel.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biodiesel#Yields_of_c...

Ellis Cellar: would you support converting coastal wetlands to sugar cane crop? the produ! ction of ethonal is more efficient at sea level. sugar cane contains m! ore glucose which would covert to ethonal. if we are going to get very deep into ethonal then the distilation has to be done along the coasts, preferably near the production of the glucose source.

Delora Struzzi: Why not just let the market handle it? Until there is a demand for those types of vehicles there isn't a reason to build them.

Arden Strachn: YES!!! A very good point.

Cyndy Grimes: I do not understand: What can you do with what??? Your questions do not make sense!Are you aking if anyone knows if people used these two devices in a system? For what? with what results? For going 120 miles? Then you want to research it with "positive" information... What about negative information? Wouldn't that be at least as helpful?...Show more

Vickie Clampett: Will a electric car pull a trailer full of 10 tons of food to you favorite food market

Penelope Armond: Please keep to the facts, Why do we need alternative fuel vehicles? Number 1 rea! son is Fossil fuel prices are high. Why are Fossil fuel prices high? No other choice for vehicles and we use it as fast as we supply it. How do we use less? Make more efficient vehicles and/or vehicles that run on non fossil fuels. Solution - 1. Electric vehicles run in equivalent to 150 mpg. 2. Electricity can be made from several types of fuels. 3. If we use less oil, oil prices will go down.Solution 2 - Good luck finding a easier or cheaper solution than solution 1. Plug-in hybrid may be better but more complicated and not cheaper. I could live with it through.Also remember that not all people are in the same situation you are. We all don't live in the city. We all don't want to stay in the same small area all our lives. Most of us would like to explore other areas and be able to get there at a reasonable price....Show more

Elli Esaw: Now all you need is a lot of fuel.

Kaylee Schmittou: America is built around the car. It's all fine and good to! say we should live in local communities, work locally, etc., but reali! stically it's not going to happen and people are going to continue to drive cars.Besides which, studies have shown that only 5-10% of a vehicle's lifetime energy use comes during the construction stage vs. 80-90% during the operations stage. So if you've got a car that uses less energy and emits fewer greenhouse gases like an electric car, it can make a big difference....Show more

Jeff Frizzell: Okay... to respond to a few of the false statements in the previous answers.First, plastic is much easier to recycle than metals. Because people don't understand it as well, they assume it to be harder. In point of fact, it takes as much as 1000 times more energy to recycle aluminum than it does plastics.Second, we are going to run out of oil. This is just a simple fact. The earth does not have unending reserves of oil hiding underground. Read up on the phenomena of peak oil... I was a skeptic at first too, but this is real.Okay... now on to the question.You are absolute! ly right, we do need to reexamine the entire production paradigm. Though granted, the big auto makers are getting really good at reducing their waste and energy consumption strictly out of economics. So with a little more effort, I think we could see some major improvements in this area.As for the notion of living in smaller communities... this really isn't the american way. We love our big, loud, wasteful cities. At least many americans do. I would rather see a functional mass transit system similar to Tokyo's trains. I was blown away by the efficiency of the system, and it's always (99.9%) on time. This type of development would allow us to still move in massive numbers, and yet reduce the total number of vehicles needed to do it. I could literally get to any point in the greater Tokyo area without a car, it was amazing!There is of course the trouble with mass production of alternative fuel vehicles. Since I firmly believe that no one fuel will be the answer, the! automakers will need to devise a platform capable of accepting a varie! ty of power sources. And that gets expensive, very very expensive....Show more

Peter Lapoint: The SS Titanic used steam turbines. Steam was heated in a boiler over a coal fire.Stanley Steamer was a steam driven car. Not sure if it used coal or train oil (train oil from whales).The golf cart is an electric car. batteries require charging from the coal driven electric grid.Lots of stuff on the internet....Show more

Tijuana Tatsak: I used BIDET4ME electric bidet seat, e-200a. so far so good and I am just wondering beside me who also use ? what nationality use it ? I am from Japan... I hear Korea, Taiwan, China, UK, and some other EU countries also use it... Any others ??

King Bringle: ethonal isnt all its hyped up 2 b...

Adam Momaya: Yes, they can't accept the fact that there is the "Worlds Cleanest Car" coming this year."BBC News is reporting that a French company has developed a pollution-free car which runs on compressed air. India's Tata! Motors has the car under production and it may be on sale in Europe and India by the end of the year.The air car, also known as the Mini-CAT or City Cat, can be refueled in minutes from an air compressor at specially equipped gas stations and can go 200 km on a 1.5 euro fill-up -- roughly 125 miles for $3. The top speed will be almost 70 mph and the cost of the vehicle as low as $7000."...Show more

Susan Rambo: It's not a good idea to install one in a vehicle unless it's an RV. However, bidets are common in countries with older sewage systems. Brazil tends to use the phone shower bidets, Europe tends to use separate bidet. The use of a bidet avoids flushing toilet paper as the toilet paper is only needed for drying and can be disposed of in the trash. North Americans have put up with race tracks in their underwear but recently have started using flushable pre-moistened wipes. I think the phone shower bidet is a better solution than the electronic as it help! s with cleaning the toilet....Show more

Clinton Migliori: The pro! blem is u don't understand that oil & gas are renewable fuels. Fossil fuels come from plants . The CO2 we produce is taken in by the plants and give us back the O2 ,but the plant keeps the C which is used to build the plant bigger.Follow the oil actually comes from the plants . It doesnt take a million years ,look at the olive, which is squeezed to get the oil out and that would make biodiesel. The dinausauers would eat the plants and get fat but the oil still came from plants. The plants not only recycle our air but also the Oil & gas . So oil is a continnualy renewed energy source....Show more

Brice Greczkowski: If I understand your question right you want to use a steam engine to generate electricity to power a car.I hate to tell you this, you’re better off just using the steam to power the car, look at the Doble steam car, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doble_Steam_Car . Here was a car that despite weighting 5,000 pound got about 30 MPG and meets most of the emiss! ion standards of today....Show more

Emile Midgley: last i heard, more steel is used to make bottle caps than cars. in a dream world, we would have a 90% return rate on recycled materials, but ferioucious energy appetites will push housing/industry to ultimate receive power from nuclear plants. sad as it may seem cars would have to be hydrogen/battery types for real world application. its all possible, but everybody has to pitch in.

Caterina Yeargan: 1. What does this have to do with Alternate fuel vehicles?2. I use a Toto.

Donnell Nocella: if the sugar cane is a better hurricane deterrerant then regular coastal wetlands then go for it. ethanol is not the answer anyway, bush is just delaying the cause. electric cars are the answer and renewable energy sources for electricity. i think south or north dakota's wind can power the whole us with all the wind there. this country really wants anarchy i believe. the government think the people are stupid. just like ! they want us to believe bush is stupid. hes not, he is getting paid ver! y well, stocks, donations, payoffs, etc. bush is probably the smartest guy in the room. thats a funny statement, bush is the smartest. far fetched but he is gettin paid. he is definitely not the most moral or ethical person by far. anarchy. remember, remember the 5th of november. i think the fourth of july should have extremely red alert. the way these terrorist work, 9/11, the way we dial 911 in emergency. on 747 there may 747's landing some places. these psychos think this way. they live in caves with no p u ssy,(must be fags) you may think im a psycho for thinking this, but we gotta be a step ahead. btw, i am way off topic but i get to let my mind go on here. one life one love.

Ulrike Hert: argentsewhy not convert an allready made one? save all that factory work...The one EV car I currently have (have 2 vehicles that run on hydrogen also) I converted from a vw bug and is free to charge. As I live completely off the grid all my electricity comes from solar panels an! d 2 wind generators, which I also built.However I did charge up at Costco in Carlsbad California (I actually only drove up there to fill up) if I remember right it was around $2.00Here’s a list of other places you can charge up, don’t know if there are any prices though.http://www.evchargernews.com/#regionsNot sure if you’re interesting in doing it your self, but I’d be willing to walk you step by step threw the conversion. I've converted 3 of my own cars (a datsun truck, ford ban, and a vw bug) and a few for neighbors. I've also converted cars to run on hydrogen, ethanol and biodiesel, by far EV is the easiest.If you’re interested here’s what it would entitle…- The engine compartment is first cleaned out of any gasoline components.- Electric components are then installed in exchange.- A battery bank is built and incorporated.- Existing starter and driving systems are connected.- Turn the key, step on the gas pedal sending more energy to the electric motor, & ! thus more power to the drive system, which in return creates more speed! , more acceleration.- The system has normal automotive top speeds and acceleration, typical to the vehicle your modifying. If your top speed was 85 mph and your acceleration was 1 mile per min, then this will be what your left with after the conversion.The methods are extremely simple, making the process possible for anyone, everyone, ANYWHERE.Typical tools, hardware & supplies are used, making access to parts available for all.Electric Conversions can be easily accomplished in ANY model vehicle, even tractors, Generators, types of machinery, etc.Project lengths range from 1 day to 1 month.If you’re interested I wrote a guide on it which is available at www agua-luna comHope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at www agua-luna com on the subject. I also off! er online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.Dan MartinAlterative Energy / Sustainable Consultant, Living 100% on Alternative & Author of How One Simple Yet Incredibly Powerful Resource Is Transforming The Lives of Regular People From All Over The World... Instantly Elevating Their Income & Lowering Their Debt, While Saving The Environment by Using FREE ENERGY... All With Just One Click of A Mouse...For more info Visit: www AGUA-LUNA com Stop Global Warming, Receive a FREE Solar Panels Now!!!...Show more

Thurman Buege: you does not could desire to make ethanol. it is totally, very inefficient as a results of fact distillation takes extremely some warmth power. 4 pounds of coal is going into making six pounds of ethanol. (besides the shown fact that it is American coal, and the farm foyer loves the corn subsidies, that's why the government helps it. it is not for our environment, they only say that to sound professional! -environment.) in case you have been going to run a power plant, you ma! y purely burn sugarcane at present. Boilers can run on it, and so can diesels. (particularly! Ingersoll Rand outfitted em, for sugar plantations the place that they had extremely some the stuff.) besides the shown fact that the smart play could be to enhance tropical oil vegetation and squeeze oil out of em, and use it straight away or make biodiesel. (that's lots easier than the different fellow reported, and takes little or no power.) Ships can run on vegetable oil as-is, and locomotives could desire to with a splash replace. Be solid for their engines too. automobiles, make biodiesel.

Sherita Gallati: Brazil has had incredible success getting off foreign oil because of their sugar cane/ethanol production. I would definitely support it being done here too, as corn is rather inefficient. I am hoping celluose ethanol is around the corner, allowing natural grasses to be used that require no pesticides, no fertilizer, no irrigation, and best of all...no planting!Biofu! els are important because electric cars are many years away still from having the range, cost and recharging time necessary to make them competitive. As the energy density of batteries starts to approach that of hydrocarbon fuel, you will see a switch. But until then we need ethanol.As diesel particulate emissions and smog pollution from diesels get better, I think you will see more people use biodiesel. However we have a long way to go. Mercedes couldn't sell diesels in the US from 2000-2005 because of cancer causing particulate, and for the last 2 years you can't buy a new Volkswagen diesel either for the same reason.So until electric cars and diesels become better...plant that coastal sugarcane!...Show more

Miguel Koczela: Sorry to break the news to you, but we are not running out of fossil fuels. We could make gasoline out of coal if we ran out of oil (we ain't). The state of KY has enough coal for the next 500 years.We use gas/diesel fuels because they are th! e cheapest best out there, and that is not going to change. Electric c! ars cause all kinds of pollution problems during there manufacture. Ethanol is just not practical. It is not a good idea to burn our food as fuel. Fuel cells have the same environmental problems as electric and are super expensive....Show more

Vince Delarge: A lot of good points on here I think -sure you'll figure out which - maybe this is one... I wonder in particular about the energy source used to extract hydrogen and platinum catalysts, and the magnitude and effects of emitted water vapour by a city full of H powered cars.

Jackelyn Archut: Well, instead of using lots of energy to build gas cars and then using lots of gas to drive them, we're going to use lots of energy to build electric cars.

Cole Desher: The questions are: What can we do? Where can we find these documented attempts of others. Can we find out if these ideas were ever attempted? Has anyone done any research or have some positive information? Who could we ask or notify, to get these an! swers?

Ariel Arons: Millions of vehicles will be built each year, no matter what. The question is what they will run on. So, there will not be any increased use of resources for alternative fuel vehicles. Thinking locally is not realistic for most of the world's population, because there are too many people on Earth. The only way we will be able to reduce global warming or have a "sustainable lifestyle" is if about 90% of the population dies off. The good news is, it might happen one way or another....Show more

Cómo habilitar el tema oscuro en Windows 10

Cómo habilitar el tema oscuro en Windows 10

Seleccione Colores en el panel izquierdo.

Abra la aplicación Configuración. Presione el botón Start y seleccione la marcha de ajuste en la esquina inferior derecha.

Cambiar el modo de la aplicación. Desplácese hacia abajo y encuentre la sección titulada «Elija su modo de aplicación predeterminado». Seleccione «Dark» o «Light» de la lista para cambiar el aspecto de Windows. Disfrute de la belleza del negro o del blanco brillante!

Haga clic o puntee en la categoría Personalización.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Last night was Black Entertainment Awards. Should there be White Entertainment Awards?

Tawny Grosskreutz: oh my god...if it will shut white people up about the WET's....yes. just get one.and you do have one-it's called the country music awards lol...and obviously you think white people aren't allowed on bet or at the bet awards show? not true...justin timberlake, paul wall, eminem, etcetc...the list goes on and on. and how do you feel about black (and hispanic) people being excluded from other award shows? so much that they had to create their own......Show more

Toney Flaten: Geez....like I've never heard this before. sighThere are already entertainment awards that are predominantly white so what are you complaining about.Here in Canada we have the Aborigine Music Awards (which isn't very good) but nobody whines about not having a "white" entertainment award. If certain cultures/ethnicity's/races, etc want to celebrate their artistry then let them. How does this negatively effect you?Crying about inequality is ridiculous since I'm sure you've never t! ruly felt the negatives results of it....Show more

Stephnie Patout: lo! it'll be like "WET's" is't pretty awkward

Ezekiel Kadner: I understand that there are some very mean spirited poeple that take it too far (way to far) but taking the hate mongers out of the picture it would still be considered racist to show pride.

Cody Shimko: I think it should be allowed, and will be when we become a minority

Hunter Osterberger: If someone decided to hold a White Expo I can't see why it would be racist. If you want to organize a White Expo be my guest. However you do realize most Expos are about getting your products or services out there to a particular market? Normally the white people on tv saying they take pride in their heritage belong to some sort of white supremacist/hate group. There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking pride in your heritage. I take pride in my diverse heritage daily and encourage others to do the same. Taking pride in one's! heritage doesn't mean that you must demean, belittle, or seek! to destroy any heritage that isn't your own. It is simply being proud of who you are and where you come from.

Majorie Chester: Dear loser, Nubians are as African people who tie in with the ancestry of a large population of slaves that were brought into this country. It's not exotic....it fact. Please try to have and electric current run through the synapses of your brain before you ask such an ignorant question. Sincerely, A black person who has a higher IQ than you....Show more

Buster Exline: Just stopped and thought about it awhile, I was just wondering about the truth to this! Do women love or like to give head? Iguess it all depends on your partner, everyone is different . would like to get a percentage to this , over all answers on this forum; THANKS!!

Joie Kemmis: a million) A black expo is for black owned companies to collect and sell thier products to those that could no longer get a wager to purchase the products. I advise i'm no longer able to! pass to Borders books and get a extensive varity of black authors. i will try this at a black bookshop or expo. additionally some blakc companies are placed in areas which at the instant are not secure for ANY race and an excellent style of have not advance far sufficient to place thier company online. So expos help them. there is not any want for a white expo considering that maximum shops/department shops have not got black companies. As for wager. maximum blacks do no longer even watch that now WHITE owned community. An we do have white networks. shall we see we've no black shows on CBS, ABC, FOX, NBC, PAX, u . s . and a few others. The CW ony has 4 on Sunday and basically 5 blacks that even seem on shows no longer airing on Sunday. Disney, Nick, Spike television, MTV & VH1 have a million black teach. I see NONE of you complaining on the subject of the Spanish networks. we've approximately 7 of them in Dallas.

Tomeka Hameen: Caucasians try to make it overly simpli! stic by saying its a white or black thing, its not. Its a cultural thin! g it is a recognition of are ancestry which was stolen from us as captives of this nation. Historically black colleges are not racist because at a period of time in America blacks were not allowed to attend white schools so we had to create our own to educate ourselves. Black expos and things like BET( black entertainment television) are merely avenues in which we as people of color can see or experience things that cater to our interest. Check your history they didn't really show black people on television until the 60's. Until hip hop went mainstream MTV only showed rock or pop videos. White isn't a heritage , Irish, Scottish, German & Italian those are heritages....Show more

Nicolasa Henke: Im just curious because I see these white people on tv saying that because they take pride in their white heritage they are concidered a racist or a nazi or whatever. I'm not sure who to agree with.

Dalila Yoon: Why is this even a problem for anyone? There was time in thi! s land of equality that African American entertainment was not even acknowledged; by White America at that! Look, this is really getting old, and if you guys feel that there is a serious need for ‘White Entertainment’ then so be it. Go right ahead and start you own televised broadcasting stating, host your own awards ceremony and get it over with. That’s one of the beauties of this ‘land of equality’ is that you guys have the freedom and the right to do so if you feel is necessary (as African Americans felt there was a need). But I have to ask you, since musical artist in various genera’s, movie stars and political leaders cross ‘color lines’; what will the White Entertainment Awards’ look like? Who all will be there? Because from what I understand many White people listen to Rap/Hip Hop, R&B, Jazz, Funk, Soul and Motown oldies. And I thought that’s what the Grammies and the Country and Western Music Awards was for?...Show more

Sook Hershkowitz: *s! igh*.....i have seen this Q too many times to even care. White people h! ave all the other awards most of the time people who win brits and grammys are white stop being a white moany whiney b*i*t*c*h and get over it. whites never complain when latinos or asians have their own channel i woner why that is???

Mitsuko Manne: CMT and MTV. Be careful. We might take over one day.The only awards that matter are Grammys, Emmys, and Oscars.All these tv stations listed are owned by the same company.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viacom#Assets...Show more

Jarrod Darnall: Is it to try and sound exotic?

Esteban Faggett: How does Nubian sound exotic?It is an ethnic group from Sudan & Egypt.

Nicolasa Henke: I will tell you my point of view on this matter. I don't LIKE giving head, its not like liking a nice bowl of fruit salad... It doesn't really do much for me sexually.... The thing that I like about doing it though is the power you feel over the man. You are controlling his 'ecstasy', you can stop and tease or continue till the ultima! te outcome. Makes me feel good having this power. hahaha

Chris Rosenkranz: Please, do a WET Awards. I honestly wouldn't give a damn. Besides I'm sick of the complaining. Black people excluding their self? BET is somewhat historical, it wouldn't exist if your older, dead, long gone peers weren't such prejudice a!holes. There...you see that? I'm giving you credit for something. Happy? Unfortunately, viacom now owns BET....Show more

Launa Weingarten: They have white expos all the time. But it would just be called "expo". Whites are the most well off group in the U.S and they dont feel the need to label something white. It's just a given to them. Maybe the Black folks are trying to network with each other so they wont have to ask for handouts.

Wilfredo Muldoon: everyone is different

Marvel Mcaulay: because they fell like salves .Nuâ‹…biâ‹…an [noo-bee-uhn, nyoo-] Show IPA â€"noun 1. a member of any of the various peoples inhabiting Nubia.2. the Nilo-Sa! haran language of the Nubians.3. a Nubian or black slave.4. a Nubian ho! rse.â€"adjective 5. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Nubia, its people, or their language.Origin: 1350â€"1400; ME; see Nubi(a), -anNu·bi·an (nōō'bÄ"-É™n, nyōō'-) adj. Of or relating to Nubia or its peoples, languages, or cultures.n. A native or inhabitant of Nubia.Any of a group of closely related Nilo-Saharan languages spoken in the Sudan. Also called Nuba....Show more

Jannette Kotz: It is the way they show how proud they are of their race. You don't have to demean and hurt other races. What does cross burning, shaving your head, wearing the kkk dress and saluting hitler have to do with being proud of your race? Does calling a black person ni99er make you feel more important than anyone else? (I am not saying you personally) I just don't understand how you can turn violence against other races into pride for your race?

Hilton Paiva: Every major event in the course of your life is a white event, by default. The majority of the populat! ion is white, thereby almost everything that happens is centered around white people. This statement covers entertainment, education, history, science and any other field you care to name. The Hispanic influx of the last 25 years is changing that faster than the presence of black people for the last TWO HUNDRED years, though.Point being, you already own the world. Be gracious and let the rest of us have SOMETHING to call our own....Show more

Alexis Reyer: I love given head to my man. and he cant get enough of mine,i love of course getting it. what fool wouldn't?

Ivan Velazquez: I hate it

Caleb Chapman: It should be called YET.Yank Entertainment Awards.It is full of yanks only

Bianca Lannier: Why would there be a need for a "white pride" festival or anything else like it for that matter when the majority of the U.S. population is white??

Kaylee Schmittou: Academy AwardsEnough said.

Toshiko Reimers: 75% of all the media is owned by white! sIt this question a replacement for ''should we have a white history mo! nth ?''

Russ Kiernan: I've never called myself Nubian but if other black people do that's their right, I don't understand why you care.

Tosha Tawney: You Bet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Claire Billegas: Whites have the tony awards. And to the others, stop saying CMT awards, one of the biggest country music stars right now is an amazing black guy.Lol thumbs down, are you guys mad that darius rucker broke one of the biggest racial bariers ever?

Gennie Shauer: to the thunderlady...dont know what your name is...most african americans trace their lineage to west africaand guess what...ancient nubia is in east africanot in western subsaharan africa...Show more

Javier Holsonback: Do you know why it would be considered racist? b/c of all the skin heads and white supremacist are guaranteed to show up at your expo to promote some kind of hate! thats right, all of the time "white pride" (whatever that is) is promoted by white hate groups, those trolls just seem ! to show upI honestly feel sorry for white ppl when I see that their right to have white pride has been hijacked by racist and hateful people of their kind! its a little sad, I must sayOh well! try having a white expo and I guarantee you that what I just mentioned above will happen! :)

Len Bormes: they do, as a matter of fact you have two white award shows the Grammys and the Oscars

Natalya Sydney: When white ppl take pride in their race, it usually includes a confederate flags and someone screaming racist comments to other races. I think all racist people no matter what race, needs to grow up. Its a sign of weakness to racist. It shows you are scared of what that paricular race can do.

Robin Weelborg: yes the land of great equality. Out of an existence of 300 years its amazing that they have only had civil rights since 1965. Oh my goodness how wonderful!!!!yes because 90% of everything on television does not relate to white people, Seinfeld had tons of bla! ck people on it, so did Friends, and so did Sex in the City!! Wow did y! ou see all the diversity in those shows.Those racist blacks, They were always included in america and there never was segregation so they didnt need to build their own schools and magazines and television. MLK never really had a dream, The civil rights movement was a dream that everyone really thinks seemed to happen oh my god the world is delusional....Show more

Ervin Laeger: those ppls ancestors are west african not east. they wish they were east african cuz nubians are like ethiopians. REAL nubianshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Egypt-Nubian_wed...

Gaynell Pizzaro: Mutual acts, why men should do oral to women, and women no.

Thurman Buege: nooooo, cuz then there will be awards for every single race until theres a whole channell dedicated specifically to racial award shows!!!

Sheree Hipwell: Ask the majorityThey are probable called racist because they are.Edit: "taking the hate mongers out of the picture", How do you know it would be considered r! acist? I have never heard of a white gathering and hate was not involved.

Von Houskeeper: I'm black but I don't call myself that. Then again maybe some are Nubian or have some.

Bailey Lares: They are actually Nubian or maybe they want to relate to somewhere in africa since they dont know their own background.

Davis Zou: do you even know what a Black expo is?a white exposition would be too broad.

Brock Hladik: WELL YOU SAID IT NOT ME..OBVIOUSLY IT SOUNDS EXOTIC TO YOU! For years blacks have been stripped of our culture! While some of us are attached to our black american hip hop cultures, others are more attached to their afrocentric side! Nubians were very beautiful, dark and strong people! I may not be a QUEEN in the sense where I reign over others, but I do feel I have the characteristics of my Nubian ancestors!

Jeff Frizzell: im tired of seeing this pop up every 8 minutes,GO AHEAD,if that's what it takes to keep yalls mouth shut about this ! issue,..,just change C.M.T to W.E.T and there u go.hahhahahaa @ DEREK '! aint that the truth homie

Betsey Copp: hell no

Tomi Vauters: Here's a better question: why do you care?

Kaylee Schmittou: I really could care less, you'll can do whatever you want.

Chanda Wittwer: You already have them *dingleberry*

Bo Perham: There is already!MTV and CMT!

Foster Koopmann: You get the White Entertainment awards 364 days out of the year. In case you haven't noticed 99% of what's on TV is geared toward whites.Every now and then, there will be a Cosby Show or a Family Matters that centers on a black family and white people actually watch it. But almost every other show is about white families. And you're still not happy. Now you want to have White Entertainment Awards. Go ahead. I don't give a shyt. Have all the KKK awards you want to have, because then you still won't be happy. The only way your racist azz will ever be happy is if the only black people you see on TV are the ones being chased on Cops....Show more


Sibyl Siwik: I don't care BET is the sh*tWET just sounds like a program that no one would watch

Donte Liversedge: I've done it to three guys, and I loved it.

Susan Rambo: i hate doing it! it turns me off!