Sunday, May 31, 2020

Puns/Wordplay including the last name "Le"?

Luis Mellon: " Living happily is ..... living with Le!"

Comment faire pour obtenir un iPhone hors du mode de récupération

Comment faire pour obtenir un iPhone hors du mode de récupération

p>Ce wikiComment vous apprend comment sortir un iPhone coincé en mode récupération du mode récupération.

Cliquez sur Restaurer l’iPhone. C’est sur le côté droit de la fenêtre iTunes.

Ouvrez iTunes. C’est l’application blanche avec une note musicale multicolore. Une fois qu’iTunes a fini de s’ouvrir, vous verrez une fenêtre pop-up vous indiquant qu’iTunes a détecté un périphérique en mode de récupération.

Maintenez les boutons Lock et Home de votre iPhone enfoncés pendant dix secondes. Le bouton Lock se trouve soit sur le côté droit du boîtier de l’iPhone (iPhone 6 et plus), soit sur le dessus du boîtier de l’iPhone (iPhone 5S et moins), tandis que le bouton Home se trouve sous l’écran de l’iPhone.

Relâchez le bouton Ho! me (ou Volume bas) après dix secondes. Vous devrez maintenir le bouton Lock enfoncé.

Cliquez sur OK à l’invite. Vous remarquerez que vous ne pouvez pas accéder à votre musique ou à d’autres médias â€" tout ce que vous pouvez faire est de restaurer votre iPhone à ce stade.

Connectez votre iPhone à votre ordinateur. Pour ce faire, branchez l’extrémité USB (plus grande) du câble du chargeur de votre iPhone dans un port USB, puis branchez l’extrémité du chargeur (plus petite) dans votre iPhone.

Relâchez le bouton Lock lorsque l’icône Apple apparaît. Une fois que vous voyez l’icône Apple blanche sur l’écran de votre iPhone, vous pouvez relâcher le bouton et attendre que l’iPhone ait fini de redémarrer. Votre iPhone ne devrait plus être bloqué en mode de récupération.

Cliquez sur Restaurer et mettre à jour. Cette option apparaîtra dans une fenêtre pop-up. Le contenu de votre iPhone sera sauvegardé, puis effacé,! et une nouvelle version d’iOS sera installée sur votre iPh! one. Une fois ce processus terminé, vous pourrez restaurer votre iPhone à partir d’une sauvegarde pour récupérer vos contacts, messages, photos et autres données.

Débranchez votre iPhone s’il est branché sur votre ordinateur. Si vous avez volontairement placé votre iPhone en mode de récupération, vous pourrez le redémarrer comme d’habitude ; toutefois, pour ce faire, le téléphone ne doit pas être connecté à un ordinateur.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Does anyone know the trivia answers for US 99.5 for March 8,2008? (helping musiclover's group)?

Demetrius Coaster: Thanks fir the answers!Have a great weekend!

Cole Desher: CHAMPIONS---------------------B (OMAHA)EXTRAORDINARY-------------A (SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY)FAMOUS FIRSTS--------------B (94)VILLAINS--------------------------B (RA'S AL GHUL)COUNTRY------------------------1986HOT JOBS-----------------------SHOW AND TELLWORKS FOR THE RADIO TRIVIA!!!!;-)as3/9CHAMPIONS-------------------C (BOBBY JONES)EXTRAORDINARY------------B (DIAMONDS)FAMOUS FIRSTS-------------C (MUTTON)VILLAINS-------------------------A (WARREN BEATTYCOUNTRY-----------------------OUT OF A DREAMHOT JOBS-----------------------MARGARET STEENWORKS FOR RADIO TRIVIA!!!!;-)as3/10CHAMPIONS--------------------C (CONNIE MACK STADIUM)EXTRAORDINARY-------------B (1990)FAMOUS FIRSTS--------------B (TAKING A PHOTOGRAPH)VILLAINS--------------------------B (MORGAN FREEMAN)ARTIST-----------------------------TIM MCGRAWDEANS-----------------------------BUTT... PECANTAYLOR--------------------------! --LAKE SHORE DRIVIECOUNTRY-------------------------IN PICTURESHOT JOBS------------------------TOM MUSBACHSLEUTH---------------------------TOWERNASCAR--------------------------KYLE BUSHWORKS FOR RADIO TRIVIA!!!!;-)as3/11ARTIST--------------------RASCAL FLATTSDEANS--------------------ROCKY ROADTAYLOR-------------------TIM MCGRAWNASCAR------------------AERO PUSHHOT JOBS----------------HEATHER BOERNERSLEUTH-------------------CASENEWSLETTER----------WARMERCOUNTRY-----------------1985CHAMPIONS-------------B (IBM'S)EXTRAORDINARY------A (PRICES WERE BASED ON HOW MANY LIMBS WERE TO BE PAINTED/SCULPTED)FAMOUS FIRSTS-------B (METEOROLOGIST)VILLAINS-------------------B (ANGEL EYES)WORKS FOR RADIO TRIVIA!!!!;-)as3/12CHAMPIONS----------------B (HERB BROOKS)EXTRAORDINARY--------B (PINTS AND QUARTS)FAMOUS FIRSTS----------B (HOOSAC TUNNEL)VILLAINS----------------------C (WILT CHAMBELIN)HOT JOBS--------------------VISUALIZEWORKS FOR RADIO TRIVIA!!!!;-)as...Show more

Sammy Kar: B1986ABB! Hot Jobs Show & Tell...Show more

Shaunta Paap: News Triv! ia is Aboriginal Affairs Thanks so much

Chris Rosenkranz: Yeah it was a trip to India, or I think Hawaii!!!

Clifford Gombos: Champions:----------------- B Extraordinary:--------------- A Famous Firsts: --------------B Country Music Trivia:--------- 1986Villains of the Silver Screen:---------- B Hot Jobs Trivia:---------- Show and Tell3/11 TriviaChampions --------------- BCountry ------------------- 1985Extraordinary ---------------- AFamous Firsts ----------------- BHot Jobs -------------------- Heather BoernerVillains ------------------------ Bsleuth---------------caseunderXbox 360 Pro Value BundleET...Show more

Brice Greczkowski: Good Saturday Morning, and thanx.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Teaching Conversation?

Kris Bozelle: There are numerous resources found on:

Oda Mauson: Try the links below for some conversational teaching material.

Adelle Weight: quite of preparation her communique, prepare her conversion, a thanks to transform issues on the money market. Or extra effective yet prepare her conservation. prepare her all about conservation. make confident you receives a fee up the front besides the indisputable fact that. in a lengthy time period you are able to say "communique?? OH! i presumed you pronounced conservation!!" which will be an exceptional disclaimer. basically make confident you purchased paid up the front besides the indisputable fact that....Show more

Thursday, May 28, 2020

can you help me i teach!?

Jerrod Guilfoil: You could teach about what's going on.. like well Easter is coming up, so you can talk about communion and how Jesus sacrificed himself for us, get little books that talk about it in a child like way. Then it's also turning spring, talk about how God made all the flowers and the rain to help them grow, maybe even end up talking about the 40 day and 40 nights that it rained with Noah and his ark. You could take any little subject that you see is going on around you and make it a day for these kids. They know they like church and they like your stories, so just keep it fun =]...Show more

Freddy Shutler: veggie tales movie. they are only 1/2 hour long so you should have enough time. the kids usually love 'em.

Mildred Pombo: I am a Sunday school teacher too. (and now - a preschool teacher in a private school as well).I don't teach at a Christian Sunday school - but what we teach our children is the virtues. Each month I pick a new virtue and tal! k to the kids about it. This year we are teaching:January â€" Bravery/CourageFebruary â€" LoveMarch â€" ConfidenceApril â€" ResponsibilityMay â€" CooperationJune â€" RespectJuly â€" PatienceAugust â€" KindnessSeptember - CleanlinessOctober â€" ForgivnessNovember â€" GratitudeDecember â€" PeacefulnessI go to the library and find children's books that teach the virtue as well. i.e. - The Little Engine that Could - teaches confidence - and Horton Hatches an Egg teaches responsibility and/or kindness.I always have a craft that goes a long with the lesson too.Since Jesus was so very enlightened and virtuous - you could find stories about him that are great examples of the virtues!Hope this helps!...Show more

Frank Gazaway:

Comment accrocher une mangeoire pour colibris

Comment accrocher une mangeoire pour colibris

Trouvez un bon endroit pour la mangeoire. La mangeoire doit être installée dans un endroit relativement ombragé, avec de nombreux perchoirs à proximité. Assurez-vous de tenir compte de votre point de vue lorsque vous choisissez un endroit pour la mangeoire ; c’est un régal d’observer ces oiseaux iridescents. Envisagez de placer l’alimentateur à la vue d’une fenêtre. Comme vous aurez besoin d’un accès fréquent pour le nettoyage et le remplissage, l’endroit doit être facilement accessible, et pas trop haut pour que vous puissiez vous y rendre.

Installez le chargeur. Les mangeoires en forme de plate-forme devront être fixées à une surface plane en bois à l’aide de vis, alors que les mangeoires suspendues ont simplement besoin d’un crochet en J accroché à une branche stabl! e ou d’un crochet sur l’avant-toit de votre maison.

Déterminez votre type d’alimentateur. La majorité des mangeoires à colibris sont munies d’un crochet en J pour les suspendre ; cependant, certaines sont destinées à être vissées sur les grilles des ponts.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Studying Abroad Travel Question?

Elsie Resner: ONLY if you fit into the following criteria:1.) You are attending a program through your university (i.e. a partnership exists between the two)2.) You are an American citizen or eligible non-citizen and so you receive financial aid anyway3.) You are a college student4.) You are only studying abroad as a temporary student (i.e. you are not going to the foreign university to earn a degree there)Your financial aid package will be designed to help cover the costs of your foreign university. Traditionally foreign university study abroad costs include tuition, housing, and food. They do not include transportation. If you receive a refund you can possibly use it for transportation purposes, but because of when financial aid is paid out it's likely you won't have this money until very shortly before or possibly even after your foreign program has started, so you will need to front that money yourself.You should also know that the travel company STA Travel will allow! you to put down a $300 deposit on a ticket and not have to pay the rest until a week before you leave, which sometimes works out with financial aid. In order to get this you will need to either visit them in-person or call them. You cannot access this option through their website, although you can buy regular tickets online with no problems....Show more

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

special education problems?

Agustina Stimmel: It's his individual disability--not a result of his having been in special education. Obtaining special education services still did not justify his behavior towards her in that relationship. They do not teach that behavior in the program and/or classes. She is safer out of the relationship....Show more

Olen Penhallurick: That kind of behavior is behavioral trouble, not a learning disability. If he is incapable of understanding the difference between right and wrong, he need psychological intervention ASAP.

Brock Anwar: Like others have expressed, i exchange into elated to discover YA's section for particular coaching. i've got not been right here very long yet have already bookmarked an excellent sort of questions & solutions. you notice, I not in basic terms come from a family of particular coaching instructors & directors, yet i'm additionally a in contact be certain. approximately those off-subject rely questions, the present engineering! ones specifically- i've got heard of "particularly professional Engineering". perhaps it particularly is one clarification why questions have been placed right here incorrectly. somebody could have ultimate away scanned the subjects & mistook this to be a community for individuals examining those specialties or pursuing ranges/careers in such. perhaps the powers that be at YA will create a community for something geared in direction of them, in the event that they have not already. perhaps they are going to label subjects extra specifically, as bethikinz stated..or place a text fabric description under each and each subject rely. they could additionally create a piece for particular coaching (& extra) careers. As for the different offbeat questions, definite, I fullyyt consider "luvmy4boyz32"... this query ought to be starred!...Show more

Frances Macky: I was also in special ed through elementary and high school and I still don't act like that. I suspect he was a hea! vy drug user at the time and most likely still is. I say this ! because that he displays many signs of drug dependence; violence, moodiness, and forgetfulness. By him using the excuse "I'm slow" for his behavior, he did nothing but played your friend for a fool and she allowed it to happen. Sorry. BTW, I have family members who also use (crack cocaine) and they also show the same signs he did but none of them were ever in special education. I also have family members who have autism and none of them act like this either....Show more

Cómo realizar envíos internacionales

Cómo realizar envíos internacionales

Tanto si su empresa tiene clientes internacionales como si sólo necesita enviar un regalo a un pariente lejano, es posible que necesite saber cómo realizar envíos internacionales. Hay varias cosas que debe tener en cuenta cuando su envío necesita cruzar fronteras, como los costos de aduana y las leyes internacionales. Después de eso, la preparación de su envío es similar a la de los envíos nacionales.

Elija un burbujero para los artículos más pequeños. El embalaje que elija dependerá del peso y tamaño de su envío. Los servicios postales tienen límites estrictos sobre lo que puede y no puede enviar en un sobre de carta estándar. Es posible que pueda usar un correo de burbujas para los artículos más pequeños. Estos son ligeramente más grandes que los sobres estándar que están forrados con papel de burbujas.

Averigüe los costos de aduana y aranc! eles. Es importante que conozca estos cargos con anticipación, para que pueda incluirlos en su presupuesto o cargarlos a su destinatario. Una búsqueda rápida en Google que incluya el destino de su envío puede ayudarle a encontrar bases de datos en línea o calculadoras para calcular estas tarifas.

Coloque sus documentos personalizados en el lugar correcto. Algunos documentos personalizados deben ser colocados en su envío, mientras que otros deben estar pegados en el exterior, en algún lugar visible. Asegúrese de saber qué es lo que necesita, para que sepa cómo incluirlo en su envío.

Consulte las restricciones de envío. Dependiendo de dónde y qué es lo que está enviando, su envío puede estar sujeto a restricciones de tamaño, cantidad o peso. Es posible que algunos productos ni siquiera estén permitidos en el país al que se envían. Algunas restricciones están representadas por las leyes de un país, mientras que otras son impuestas por los serv! icios de transporte marítimo. Es importante consultar con su ! servicio postal local para determinar estas restricciones.

Envíe su envío. Puede utilizar el servicio postal de su país o compañías navieras privadas. Compare sus costos y escoja la compañía más rentable para sus necesidades.

Rellenar los documentos de aduana necesarios. Los documentos aduaneros son necesarios cuando las mercancías cruzan las fronteras. El formulario en sí variará dependiendo del país de destino, pero casi todos necesitan información sobre el remitente, el destinatario y el envío en sí. Por lo general, el formulario necesitará que especifique qué es lo que está enviando y su valor. Esto es para determinar si se aplican cargos de aduana o aranceles a su envío.

Proporcione una amplia protección para su envío. Esto es especialmente importante si estás enviando algo frágil. Asegúrese de que su artículo esté bien embalado, con materiales acolchados en todos los lados, incluso por debajo y por encima.

Selle su env! ío. En el caso de los sobres, es necesario lamer la tira de sellado o despegar la película protectora de una tira adhesiva. Para las cajas, asegúrese de utilizar cinta de embalaje. Use una tira para sellar las solapas y luego use más cinta alrededor de la parte superior de la caja.

Dirija y etiquete su envío. Asegúrese de que la dirección del destinatario esté incluida en su totalidad y sea claramente visible. No olvide incluir el código postal y cualquier número de apartamento o suite. Incluya también su dirección, para que el envío pueda ser devuelto si hay algún problema.

Considere la posibilidad de contratar a un agente de aduanas. Esto es especialmente importante si usted está enviando mercancías comerciales o realiza envíos a través de las fronteras con regularidad. Un agente de aduanas servirá de enlace entre usted y las autoridades aduaneras del país de destino. Ellos no sólo pueden ayudar a asegurar que su envío cumpla con todas la! s leyes y regulaciones aplicables, sino que también pueden ayudarlo a ! determinar los aranceles y otros cargos.

Consigue un número de seguimiento. La mayoría de los servicios postales ofrecen la posibilidad de rastrear su paquete. Esto le permite seguir en línea, sabiendo exactamente dónde está su paquete. Esto es crucial para el envío internacional; usted sabrá si su paquete termina atascado en la aduana.

Use una caja duradera para artículos más grandes. Si no puedes meter tu artículo en una burbuja de correo, consigue una caja. La caja de tamaño adecuado protegerá su artículo de la misma manera que una burbuja de correo, pero le da más flexibilidad en el tamaño.

Elija una empresa de transporte que equilibre los servicios y la eficacia en función de los costos. Seleccione un servicio postal que refleje sus necesidades. Las opciones que puede pagar incluyen información de rastreo, firma en la entrega y seguro contra daños o pérdidas. Todas estas características implican un costo adicional, así que asegúr! ese de seleccionar las más pertinentes a su situación.

Asegúrese de que la información de contacto del destinatario sea correcta. Si su paquete termina siendo retenido en la aduana, los agentes fronterizos pueden querer contactar al destinatario. También es posible que desee ponerse en contacto con el destinatario durante todo el proceso de envío si hay algún problema. Obtenga el número de teléfono y la dirección de correo electrónico del destinatario y verifique que no haya errores tipográficos.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Bertrand Russell nonconformity quotation?

Jesusita Dykhoff: This should help.#Bertrand Russell QuotesBertrand Russell Quotes and Quotations. We have the best collection of Famous Quotes by Bertrand Russell....Show more

Comment se déconnecter de Pinterest sur Android

Comment se déconnecter de Pinterest sur Android

Ce wikiHow vous apprend comment vous déconnecter de l’application Pinterest sur un Android.

Appuyez sur Déconnexion. C’est l’option grise en bas de la liste. Vous n’êtes plus connecté à Pinterest.

Tapez sur l’icône de profil. C’est la silhouette grise de la tête et des épaules d’une personne en haut de l’écran. Votre profil s’ouvre.

Tapez sur

Ouvrez Pinterest. C’est l’icône rouge avec un « p » blanc. Vous le trouverez sur votre écran d’accueil ou dans le tiroir de l’application.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Macbeth quotations?

Maurice Breuning: in all probability: 'We fail! yet screw your braveness to the sticking place. And we will not fail'. you will discover the entire argument between Macbeth and his woman in Act I scene VII of Shakespeare's Scottish play.

Dick Maisenbacher: The first quotation (Fair is foul...) means that what seems good is bad, and what seems bad is good.An example would be when Macbeth seems like such a hero and good guy in the beginning, but soon becomes a murder. This line is important throughout the entire play.The second quotation (If I say sooth...) translates in the modern version to:"They were like cannons with a double load of shot. They fought twice as hard!"This quote describes Macbeth and Banquo and their amazing fighting on the battlefield.The final quotation (No more that Thane...) translates in the modern version to:"That the Thane of Cawdor won't deceive us twice. [To Attendants] Go - see he's executed immidiately. [To Ross] Cawdor's title shall pass! to Macbeth. Greet him with it."And the bottom quotation (What he hath lost...) simply translates to:"Cawdor's loss is noble Macbeth's gain!"Those last 2 quotes means the Thane of Cawdor turned out to be a traitor so they are going to execute him so he can't do it again. King Duncan decides to make Macbeth the next Thane of Cawdor.Hope this helps!...Show more

Saturday, May 23, 2020

What is the primary value of education in America? Why is schooling valued in our culture?

Sammy Hatzenbihler: I'm going to answer this question in reverse since I believe the second half aids the explanation of the first half. As a student in America I feel that education is so highly valued because ultimately in a system like ours where the middle class is quickly evaporating and the job market for low income workers is almost gone education is a must. If we don't have at least a base line education our future is basically stuck on one path and whatever happens happens. Having a more advanced education gives us more control over how our lives play out and what we do with them. Which bring me to the second point of what the primary value of education is in America. Ultimately the value of education in America is access to the freedoms that we live and die for. Having a good education gives us the liberty to decide what we do with our lives and where we go. For someone like myself who wants to be a public speaker I can take electives relavent to it and become b! etter. In the real world those classes will effectively give me the status of someone with higher education and as a result my status as a speaker will be elevated. In this way I have gained that much more control over my future. Likewise this applies to other careers and for each person it is a little different. But at the end of the day the core value is the same, education brings freedom and that is what is important to Americans....Show more

Irvin Guiles: I am currently taking a grad class, "History and Philosophy of Music Education," and this is question A. Question B goes further and asks, why do we have MUSIC education in our curriculum? We have to answer both why we have education in the first place, and furthermore, what MUSIC education offers in the curriculum that no other subject does. What do you think?

Jeannine Vassie: Right or wrong, there is a direct correlation between the level of education and a person's salary. It is so strong, it overcome! s all other related variables like socio-economic status, race! , parents level of education, etc. Education is the great equalizer.... want a great case study? Read Up from Slavery by Booker T. Washington. A book every child in American should read before graduating from high school.Sooooo, if you want to put yourself in the best possible position for a top level salary, get all the education you can. There is of course the less instrumental and more philosophical perspective that knowledge is power. While I am loath to suggest that our public and private educational system is the only (or the best) way to accumulate knowledge, for most it is the most efficient way. But please do not stop at the point where the public educational system drops you off. There is so much more and, unfortunately, you are not as well served as you should be by our current educational system. Read, read, read. A great place to start is the "Great Books" series....Show more

Jorge Gerrero: Uhm, you`re kidding right?Education empowers people.I! t enables them to pursue a career.If you do not learn anything, you will not be able to function to any degree of success within todays society.Schooling is valued because it means you have a basic knowledge of the world around you....Show more

Comment dresser un cheval pour qu’il vous respecte

Comment dresser un cheval pour qu’il vous respecte

p>Un cheval respectueux est un cheval qui n’envahit pas votre espace sans votre permission. L’entraînement d’un cheval au respect est la première étape clé dans l’établissement d’un partenariat sécuritaire avec votre cheval. Avec de la patience, de la constance et un leadership ferme, vous pouvez apprendre à votre cheval à vous respecter en vous concentrant sur trois exercices : céder à la pression, reculer sur la queue et attendre qu’il soit prêt à approcher.

Conservez votre espace personnel. Même après avoir entraîné votre cheval à attendre et à faire marche arrière sur commande, vous aurez toujours besoin de garder le commandement au quotidien dans toutes les situations. En particulier, vous devez faire attention à ne pas laisser votre cheval vous bousculer. Si vous lui avez appris à céder ! à la pression et à reculer, ce sera plus facile.

Évitez de réprimander physiquement votre cheval dans la mesure du possible. Avec les chevaux dangereux, dans les situations où vous avez besoin de protéger le cheval, vous-même ou d’autres personnes, une réprimande physique peut être nécessaire. Si vous réprimandez physiquement votre cheval, assurez-vous de continuer jusqu’à ce qu’il sorte ou jusqu’à ce que votre espace soit libre, sinon vous n’aurez pas réussi à affirmer votre domination. En général, cependant, vous devriez utiliser des techniques d’entraînement plus douces qui favorisent la confiance et la camaraderie entre vous et votre cheval.

Intégrez l’entraînement à votre routine quotidienne avec votre cheval. Comme le fait remarquer la célèbre dresseuse de chevaux Clinton Anderson, « Les chevaux ne restent pas les mêmes. Chaque jour, ils s’améliorent ou s’aggravent un peu. » Ne pensez pas que vous pouvez entra! îner votre cheval une seule fois et vous attendre à un compo! rtement parfait à partir de ce jour. Les chevaux ont besoin de répétition pour renforcer un comportement approprié. Même après que votre cheval ait maîtrisé les exercices ci-dessous, continuez à les intégrer dans vos interactions.

Entraînez votre cheval à reculer sur la queue. Un soutien rapide et réactif est la base de l’entraînement d’un cheval pour qu’il vous respecte, vous et votre espace. Enseigner à revenir en arrière prendra du temps et plusieurs séances, mais cela en vaut la peine.

Demandez à votre cheval d’attendre la permission d’entrer dans votre espace. C’est une leçon très importante à enseigner et à renforcer constamment. Chaque fois que votre cheval se comporte mal, vous pouvez utiliser cet exercice pour le calmer et rétablir votre domination.

Apprenez à votre cheval à donner à la pression. Quand un cheval A pousse le cheval B et que le cheval B cède du terrain, alors le cheval A vient de communiquer sa! domination. Vous devez vous entraîner à faire de même avec votre cheval, de sorte que lorsque vous appuyez sur n’importe quelle partie de son corps, il cède le passage. Cela aide non seulement à établir le respect, mais c’est aussi très utile pour manipuler votre cheval sur une base quotidienne.

Soyez conscient de ce que la domination signifie pour un cheval. Les chevaux d’un troupeau établissent naturellement une hiérarchie. Le cheval de tête est celui qui peut faire bouger les autres chevaux sur commande. Donc, si vous vous écartez lorsque votre cheval se balance la tête dans votre espace, ou si vous laissez votre cheval pousser contre vous, alors vous communiquez à votre cheval que vous êtes un disciple et qu’il est le leader.

Ne confondez pas amour et respect. C’est bien d’aimer son cheval, mais l’amour seul ne produit pas le respect. Si vous caressez, brossez et donnez des friandises à votre cheval sans jamais lui demander de b! ouger ou de faire quoi que ce soit pour établir une relation mutuellem! ent respectueuse, vous allez vous retrouver avec un cheval qui montre tous les signes d’irrespect : il vous balance la tête, vous pousse, et peut-être même vous mord.

Occupez votre cheval. Surtout lorsque vous entraînez votre cheval pour la première fois, l’occuper à répondre à vos signaux vous aidera à arrêter tout comportement indésirable. Chaque fois que l’attention de votre cheval dérive ou qu’il montre des signes de manque de respect, entraînez-vous à céder à la pression, à reculer et à attendre pour entrer dans votre espace. Faites-lui savoir qu’être irrespectueux, c’est travailler dur !

Soyez un leader. Pour gagner le respect de votre cheval, vous devrez être son chef. Cela signifie entraîner votre cheval à se déplacer sur la queue. Plus il est facile de faire bouger les pieds de votre cheval, plus il vous respecte. Et même si votre cheval est bien entraîné, s’il ne vous respecte pas, vous aurez du mal à le contrô! ler.

Bâtissez la confiance. Enseigner à votre cheval que vous êtes à la fois en sécurité et une joie d’être là facilitera grandement l’entraînement au respect. Chaque fois que vous en avez l’occasion, frottez votre cheval sur tout son corps, grattez ses points de démangeaison et, en général, montrez-lui que vous l’aimez. Si votre cheval s’y oppose lorsque vous frottez une zone, reculez et revenez lentement vers elle. Lorsque votre cheval accepte d’être frotté avec vos mains, essayez d’autres objets comme des cordes, des tapis de selle et des brides.

Sachez quand votre cheval vous respecte. Avant de pouvoir entraîner un cheval à vous respecter, vous devez savoir à quoi ressemble le respect (et le manque de respect). Évidemment, si votre cheval mord, donne des coups de pied ou élève, alors vous avez un problème de respect, mais il y a aussi des signes plus subtils, comme vous cogner avec son épaule, lui jeter la tête ou vous po! usser avec son nez. Vous pouvez dire que votre cheval vous respecte si ! :

Friday, May 22, 2020

What qualifications do I need after leaving secondary education to become a qualified primary school teacher?

Cherlyn Tefera: A levels incl the subject you want to teach. if u wana teach smth like photography and that not taught at ur school, then do smth like art or grphics or smth and a couple of other subjects (doesnt relly make a difference what those other subject are). then go to uni. do a degree in that subject. and then do a pgce. pgce is your key to teaching. alternatively, ask your schools career advisor or a primary school teacher you may know....Show more

Jonie Lauria: We answer this question every day! You have to learn how to teach. This requires a four year teacher's college diploma. You need qualifications in the subject. The field is overcrowded. You may need an MA. Visit a local school recruiting office and get a real answer.

Virgil Loatman: This would help, it is one of the best education young people can get for these times.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Is Preschool really important??

Matt Gerdeman: Well you wouldn't use permanent markers - you would use child friendly markers - we use both. Markers are more of a special art project - crayons are used more. Maybe someone colored something they shouldn't and your teacher you work with just put them away for awhile.

Antonette Shappy: Parents will complain if their child comes home with marks all over them and their clothes. Also, crayons are easier to clean up than markers.

Kiersten Clayburn: If you are getting him out and about among other children with regularity and teaching him things at home, then preschool is unneccessary.....

Carter Edstrom: I teach preschool and lower primary and encourage my students to use markers and pencils instead of crayons. I don't like crayons. They are messier than markers because they need scrubbing off desks and leave your hands all waxy and yuck. If children are taught to use markers correctly they should be allowed to use them. I love markers. If! i want to colour in I use markers so why shouldn't the children be allowed to. Maybe try talking to your preschool teacher and asking why they have been put away. Perhaps you could volunteer to do a lesson on how to use markers appropriately. Good luck and have fun!...Show more

Germaine Tieken: No, not really, it's not like you learn anything anyways. WOW, NAP TIME, WOW, A PLAY KITCHEN, WOW, WE LEARNED HOW TO COLOR! Basic stuff you can teach your child at home. II skipped preschool, and look at me, I am in honors everything for every subject and the smartest girl in my school of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. I am a 6th grader.

Myron Leftwich: From a parental position and a financially tight situation, I wouldn't be able to answer (I'm 17, still at home, ect... all though I do have 5 nephews and 1 niece and when situations used to be worse I did school 3 of them as much as I could) Anyways, any teaching is important in their development as you obviously know, but I! think preschool was important. Developing social skills at su! ch a young age is important and irreplaceable at such a time during this development stage. Not only is it developing social skills but it'll advance them academically. I remember the 2 years of my preschool and a lot of what I learned believe it or not. From my first memories to my peers to learning and associating. I certainly wouldn't ask my mom to trade it for anything. Quick tip in case you do decide to address this at home, a child takes the most in from the after breakfast to 4 hours later, so let most of the learning be done then and the cartoons ect. at night (if allowed)Hope this helps!(I just read the above one, and agree. you'll most likely be closer. But I still do suggest the preschool)...Show more

Babette Deloe: A warehouse? Do you have any idea how loud 20 dogs can be in an enclosed indoor space? I'd advise you find a place along a commuting route for easy client access. Plus, the dogs will need outdoor and indoor play areas. I don't know where you li! ve, but you may find some info at, which is the site for Pet Sitters International. You can get your insurance through them, too.

Lenard Ginyard: I think one of the most important aspects of preschool is preparing them for the schedule of all day kindergarten and help socialize them. The number 1 reason for children failing kindergarten is lack of social skills. It seems that your son is very intelligent and is where he should be academically. I would see no reason keeping him out of preschool as long as he gets to interact with other children. There are plenty of programs at libraries, gyms, churches, etc that could help him (and you) meet friends in the new neighborhood. Good luck....Show more

Imogene Neiswander: It's the current trend in building fine motor strength for learning to write. Markers are easier to use. Crayons require a little more pressure to create visible marks and the teacher want to build strength in the children's hands and fin! gers. Check out Handwriting Without Tears at f! or more on this theory. They advocate not only the use of crayons and pencils exclusively, but they suggest using short crayons (broken in half) and short pencils (golf pencil sized) to improve fine motor strength in young children....Show more

Rosalyn Olivera: Markers make more of a mess, and they can get on their clothing and their skin. Crayons are just easier, with less mess.

Shelley Stevens: The award box

Patricia Bolduc: My daughter was in a Head Start program from age 3, something my boys didn't have the advantage of. Though I worked with my toddler sons on stuff (shapes colors etc), somehow, it coming from a teacher really benefitted. By the time my daughter was in 3rd grade she was the school's multiplication champ, sometimes against 5th graders. She started a program in HS called High Tech Academy, where in 10th grade she started taking college courses at the local community college (it counted for HS and college credits). When she graduated she! already had 26 college credits! I know that the money is a lot, but am just giving you my experience with my 3 kids (in other words, I wish I had my boys in preschool!)...Show more

Inge Mclaurine: Preschool does give children a head start. I would say it is beneficial but not necessary. Children are exposed to colors, leter, writing, social skills, numbers, etc on a daily basis. Social skills are also very important.They are also in the routine of school and learn how school works. They know to raise their hands to speak, and to respect others who are speaking. That alone is one of the main causes if behavior problems in elementary school!It just better prepares children and gives them a head start....Show more

Kip Ockenfels: i love crayons but i am a preschool teacher helper and the teacher took all the markers out of the room...why do preschool teachers like crayons more than markers????

Shon Almquist: If you go off the paper with a crayon, it will! most likely not leave a mark. It also doesn't get on your hands or you! r clothes due to accidental marking. You need to make very deliberate actions with a crayon to leave a mark.A marker just requires a light touch and a mark is made. Also, crayons don't dry out and are therefore more cost affective. They break, yes, but you can still use the broken pieces. If they get too small to color with, you can use them in other craft projects. It's also very easy for a little one to forget to put the cap back on the marker and this can cause dry-out and leakage. There's also a benefit to crayons. Because they take more pressure to leave a mark than markers do, it helps little ones build up their hand strength and motor skills....Show more

Eleni Mccier: Crayons help develop use of imagination and creativity and give more options to freely express a child's feelings and ideas. I prefer crayons over magic markers because the colors can be more easily combined and with the different sizes of crayons- from the short stubby ones to the nice pointy new! ones, a child can purposefully make new shapes and lines and learn the relationship between space and size and concepts of symmetry, balance and design. As well, keeping the crayons even if they are to the very nub can teach a child value and to not be wasteful....Show more

Filiberto Ranalli: I want to start a doggie daycare, so i was looking at warehouses, but the prices are so expensive. Do you have any ideas on where i can start one in a certain state that wont be so outrageous with their prices. Do i start it in a warehouse? Any suggestions would be helpful.

Jesse Japak: They use crayons instead of markers because they do not want children to make a mess using markers. like if the rub crayon on their arms it prob wont show up and will be easy to get off if it does...With marker its harder to wash off and a real mess when scribbled on tables and walls!! Hope I Helped ;]

Libby Berkovitch: I been thinking about Doggie Daycare 10 years ago, never did it! . But , I though to buy a house, on a big lot, around airport area. So ! it be convenient for people who travel.But it's depend on you financial situation.Why I chose a house, because it was cheaper, then warehouse and more homier, plus if something going wrong, or you get bigger, you always can sale the house. Great business, Good Luck!...Show more

Willa Holte: At his age you can teach him everything but if you can't pay the bills or enjoy the holidays he won't be happy. Spend the precious time with your son. He will need time to adjust to the new home & he can have an adventure with you to learn his new town!

Miguel Koczela: Pre school is not that important except in terms of children learning socialization skills. I would keep him home but make sure you take him to playgroups etc. and just enrol him next year in Kindergarten.

Iris Shawcroft: THE GOODY BOX

Charissa Bichsel: Pre-school, nor Kindergarten is important for children, but being with their parents is.Often times pre-schools are expensive day care facilities ! with some sort of "academic program".If "schooling" is such an issue for the parents, because it is not for the children then get a complete curriculum book (Sam's for under $10.00), do a few workbook pages and call it good.The most important thing you can do for such young children is be there, read to them play with them, and allow them to work/play along side you, and your husband according to their own abilities until they are ready for formal learning.Book suggestion:Better Late than Early by Dr. Raymond Moore, and Dorothy Moore....Show more

Byron Fortmann: For babysitting, I made a box that they can pick one toy out of if they are good. (they do this before bedtime). What should I call it? This is for 4 year olds so preferably something really cute that rhymes. I would rather do something fun, not just "Prize Box"Thanks!

Alden Sabio: Though my son is only 19 months old, and has not actually eaten a marker yet, the results of eating a crayon are pretty coo! l.

Lawana Neemann: There has been shown no developmental differen! ces in children of preschool age that learn from home or go to preschool. You can just as easily influence your son as any teacher. Read to him, get him books, involve him in learning activities. one of the biggest benefits that preschool provides is "socializing" children, which means taking them out of the home and teaching them what is expected in public, how to cooperate, make friends. However, the same things can be taught if there are young children for him to play with. No worries... you teach your child....Show more

Jacinta Moitoso: I don't think it would hurt him to miss out on 5-6 months of preschool, as long as you work with him. I could no longer afford daycare about a year before my daughter went to kindergarten. She has done fine in school.

Monty Sieloff: How about "Treasure Chest"?

Davina Shindler: First of all, markers are far more messy and can stain clothes, desks, etc. Crayons also better prepare students to switch to pencils for writi! ng. They are more the same size and require using about the same pressure and technique. I would guess that is the primary reason.

Bethanie Menden: I personally don't feel preschool is that important. I say this because I worked in preschools for over 5 years. I now have a 3 1/2 year old son, who has never been to day care or preschool. I spend maybe 15 minutes a day working with him on things like counting and letters, than the we other things like gymnastics, swimming lessons, and church for him to play with kids. My son has already learned to read his first little book, and can write all his letters. There are so many easy ways to teach children at home, and I would hate to have missed out on seeing him learn all these new things. You have to send your child to preschool for hours for them to learn what you can teach them in minutes. Good luck with your choice!...Show more

Best Dental Teeth products for someone with ceramic braces?  

Best Dental Teeth products for someone with ceramic braces?  

answers 0:I am getting braces soon and i want to keep my oral hygeine very good and i want to keep my braces clean. I hear that the little rubber- bandies around the ceramic braces can stain easily and i want to prevent that from happening. ALSO i was wondering can i use mouthwash? please help me and tell the best...Toothpaste.Mouthwash.Toothbrush. Any other helpful products for ceramic braces! THANK YOUand also can you put colored rubber band on ceramic braces?? If so what color wouldl look best and not stain the most? THANK YUO SOOO MUCH...Show moreanswers 1:Having toe clean braces in for a quick whilst and not as long simply by fact the Dentist shows won't straighten our tooth. i've got heard and considered those clean braces, they do no longer look too undesirable! i could decide for ! the braces if the crooked tooth are bothering you. you would be bowled over, you're basically self-unsleeping approximately it. supply them a guess, how plenty longer do you should placed on them? all the appropriate, Momma Katanswers 2:1. Proxybrush2. End tufted toothbrush3. Fluoride mouth rinse (ACT)

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Homework question over nuclear change, please help.?

Raleigh Lufkin: The nuclear change involves either beta radiation or alpha radiation.In beta radiation, a neutron disintegrates into a proton and an electron. The electron is ejected from the atomic nucleus while the newly formed proton stays. The process is known as beta decay (i.e. a type of radioactive decay) and the emitted electron is known as a beta particle. In the end, the number of protons increases by one. In alpha radiation, a helium nucleus (two protons and two neutrons as a single unit) is ejected from the original atomic nucleus. The process is known as alpha decay (i.e. a type of radioactive decay) and the emitted helium nucleus is known as a alpha particle. In the end, the number of protons decreases by two. If you need further clarification, try - homework help by retired teachers and volunteers (free)...Show more

Cómo aprender Microsoft Visual Basic

Cómo aprender Microsoft Visual Basic

Aprenda Visual Basic desde la función de ayuda del programa. Independientemente de si eres un usuario principiante, intermedio o avanzado de Visual Basic, puedes recibir varios consejos de ayuda e instrucciones del propio programa.

Tome cursos de Microsoft Visual Basic proporcionados por un colegio o universidad. Visual Basic se incluye a menudo en el plan de estudios de las licenciaturas de informática y programación, y se imparte tanto en el aula en línea como en el aula física.

Aprenda Visual Basic de los recursos en Internet. Una variedad de programadores expertos en Visual Basic publican artículos, tutoriales, blogs y vídeos que le proporcionan formación en Visual Basic; la mayoría de los cuales son gratuitos.

Lea libros de instrucciones que enseñan Visual Basic. Existe en el mercado una variedad de libros e! scritos por programadores que te enseñan a usar Visual Basic desde el principio hasta los niveles avanzados.

Reciba entrenamiento de Microsoft Visual Basic directamente de Microsoft. Como desarrollador y creador, Microsoft le ofrece la opción de asistir a cursos de formación en línea o presenciales para aprender Visual Basic. Las tarifas de cada curso variarán dependiendo de su instructor y de la región en la que usted resida.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Home schooling question?

Herma Ellebrecht: Go to the school councilor and have them set up a meeting with your parents- the only way mom and dad may realize the importance of home schooling is if you have a mediator to keep the conversation calm and collective. Sorry to hear about your health- you can take your classes online now, that would be helpful for you.

Does anyone know of anywhere in Ohio you can go to get cheap dental care.?  

Does anyone know of anywhere in Ohio you can go to get cheap dental care.?  

answers 0:I have a few dental problems right now that are really starting to bother me. I am on a medigap insurance and I have checked with all of them in this area, no one has dental added to their medigap. Some of them have discount plans, but that doesn't help much, when you really don't have the extra money. Why doesn't this country get dental care for everyone? It would eliminate alot of other problems that bad teeth and gums cause. I can't get any help with medicaid, because I would have a spendown of about $500 or more. I worked alot of years, but it doesn't matter, if you make too much money on disability, they just don't have dental, unless you have kids. Please help....Show moreanswers 1:University hospital in Cincinnati, Cincinnati Dental, not sure where you are but there are dentist that will take what your dental insurance(not ! familiar with medigap) pays as full payment,,,,check with the dentist in your area,,,answers 2:pass to a community dental health facility. a number of them have lower priced dental centers for the uninsured or verify if the place you reside there's a dental college, some grant very lower priced dental artwork with the aid of fact those that are doing the extremely artwork are the pupils with very close supervision from the professor.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Can i home school right now?

Wilbert Shellgren: I bet you can, I do Connections Academy, its an online school, and they send all the supplies & computer for free! It's a good school, I highly recommend it.

Charlotte Bryar: Yes. I just moved out of CA and home schooled my kids there for 17 years. I started in the middle of the year for the oldest. You go to, it says Private School, because in CA a home school is registered as a private school. Fill out the form online and that's it! You do have some record keeping (I never had them ask to see, but they can), like attendance. Check online for the laws of your state. You are free to study anything you want, and use anything that works for you. We always made our own lessons, some textbooks, some online classes, etc. Some people use library books, others buy a complete curriculum.This is home school. If you mean enroll in an online or charter school, that is not home school. You have to fo! llow their admissions and enrollment dates....Show more

Ginny Trickett: you could but they might make you restart the courses. you would have to contact the people that would be home schooling you

Comment réchauffer le pain

Comment réchauffer le pain

p>Si vous avez acheté un pain de boulangerie spécial et que vous vous demandez comment le réchauffer pour en préserver le goût et la texture, le mieux est de le chauffer au four pendant environ 15 minutes. Vous pouvez aussi réchauffer le pain sur la cuisinière, mais certains pains sortiront un peu moelleux de cette façon (et n’essayez même pas le micro-ondes). Et si vous recherchez une méthode de réchauffage classique et rapide, rien de tel que de faire des toasts.

Mettre le pain dans une casserole avec couvercle. Utilisez la plus petite casserole possible pour maintenir le pain confortablement. Mettez le couvercle sur le pot.

Préchauffer le four à 350 °F (177 °C). C’est la meilleure température pour réchauffer le pain. S’il fait plus chaud, le pain peut brûler rapidement. Une température plus basse nécessiterait un temps ! de cuisson plus long, ce qui donnerait du pain sec. Si vous voulez un intérieur moelleux avec une croûte moelleuse, 350℉ (175℃) est la voie à suivre.

Envelopper le pain dans du papier d’aluminium. Cela protégera la croûte et l’empêchera de se brûler pendant que l’intérieur du pain chauffe. Si vous essayez de le réchauffer sans l’emballer, la croûte pourrait trop cuire et devenir dure.

Placer la casserole sur la cuisinière à feu doux. Le feu doux réchauffera doucement le pain. Laisser réchauffer pendant environ cinq minutes, puis retirer le pain et vérifier s’il a été bien chauffé. Si ce n’est pas le cas, remettez-le dans la casserole et réchauffez-le encore quelques minutes.

Envelopper le pain dans du papier d’aluminium. Cela l’aidera à chauffer uniformément et le protégera contre les brûlures pendant le processus de réchauffage.

Faire cuire le pain pendant 10 à 15 minutes. Pour les petits pains ou les pai! ns minces comme les baguettes, limitez le temps de cuisson à ! 10 minutes. Pour des pains plus gros et plus épais, cuire au four pendant 15 minutes pour que le centre ait le temps de se réchauffer.

Tranchez votre pain. À l’aide d’un couteau à pain, coupez-le en tranches assez minces pour tenir dans le grille-pain, mais assez grosses pour tenir ensemble lorsque vous le beurrez ou l’utilisez comme partie d’un sandwich.

Grillez votre pain dans un grille-pain. Si vous recherchez une méthode de grillage rapide, pratique et efficace, rien ne vaut un grille-pain. Chargez le pain dans les fentes, changez le réglage à votre niveau de cuisson préféré et appuyez sur le bouton qui abaisse le toast dans le grille-pain et l’allume. Quand le toast remonte, il est prêt à être mangé.

Essayez de griller votre pain au four. Cela ajoute une touche gourmande et savoureuse, car rien ne vaut la texture d’un pain grillé au four. Allumez le gril du four et laissez-le préchauffer. Déposer les tranches de pain sur u! ne plaque à pâtisserie. Placer la plaque de cuisson sous le gril du four de deux à cinq minutes, ou jusqu’à ce que le pain soit grillé à votre degré de cuisson préféré.

Retirer le pain du four et servir. Servez le pain tout de suite pour qu’il n’ait pas le temps de refroidir à nouveau. Réchauffer le pain une troisième fois donnera probablement un goût et une texture moins qu’optimaux.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

If writing to your TEXAS senator or representative,what concerns do u have about higher education?

William Vickerman: The most significant concern I would have is probably cost. I don't have the numbers in front of me, but I believe the cost of a college education has increased faster than the average American income. There are also concerns about the current financial aid system.Additional policy issues can be found at the link below. more

Comment faire pousser vos propres fleurs et les vendre

Comment faire pousser vos propres fleurs et les vendre

Décidez de ce que vous voulez cultiver et vendre : Plantes ou fleurs coupées ?

ameublir le sol. Si vous utilisez des produits chimiques, ajoutez de l’engrais et quelque chose pour vous débarrasser des limaces, et faites-les pénétrer. Si vous cultivez de façon biologique, enrichissez votre sol en y ajoutant quelque chose comme de la mousse de tourbe et du fumier de vache déshydraté. Les deux sont très faciles à trouver dans les magasins de jardinage.

Ensuite, mettez du paillis dans le sol pour l’enrichir.

Créez maintenant un endroit pour vendre vos fleurs :

Commencez par réserver de l’espace dans votre cour pour avoir un jardin. Il doit être dans un endroit ensoleillé où le sol n’est pas trop humide.

Après l’avoir tapoté avec suffisance, mélangez un peu d’engrais avec! de l’eau et c’est avec cela que vous allez arroser !

Décidez si vous voulez être un producteur biologique ou si vous voulez utiliser des pesticides et d’autres produits chimiques. La culture biologique soutiendra votre faune locale, c’est-à-dire les abeilles, les papillons et les oiseaux, qui sont tous importants pour le maintien d’un écosystème sain, et en particulier, pour la pollinisation. L’utilisation de produits chimiques permettra de réduire les coûts et de gagner du temps. Mais cela vous coûtera votre label « bio ».

Ensuite, faites de la publicité !

Tapotez-le avec suffisance et, à l’aide d’une règle et d’un couteau, coupez une ligne droite et versez-y les graines.

Achetez de l’engrais si vous empruntez la voie chimique ou commencez à vous renseigner sur la culture naturelle. Voir les conseils et les sources ci-dessous.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Any information on financial aid cuts?

Shon Almquist: There are not any, federal financial aid actually increased this year. The only financial aid that is decreasing is that coming from the school, and that of third parties who provide grants and loans to students, but nothing from the federal government. Some states have had problems and are having to cut back, but that is a state by state issue, and those grants were not very high to begin with.

do you receive financial aid if you are a part time student?

Verdie Wollen: I think your answer was provided.

Dulcie Edis: For the best answers, search on this site the detail of your financial aid depends on your school talk to someone from fin aid. ss

Valentine Willinger: Financial aid is available to part-time college students, but since the amount of aid is tied to your "Cost of Education", students who are taking less than a full load will qualify for less assistance.You must be registered as at least a 1/2 time student (generally 6 or more credit hours) to qualify for a Stafford loan, but students taking as few as 3 hours are eligible to receive a Pell Grant (if they otherwise qualify). Again, the Pell award for a part-time student would represent only a partial percentage of the award that would be provided for a full-time student.As for your question about income - your financial aid eligibility is based on your financial aid need. The Department of Education takes the student's inc! ome into consideration when evaluating that need. When you complete the FAFSA application, there are questions that ask about your income and assets, and the amount that you report is a component of the EFC formula.HOWEVER - if you are working a part-time job and making a couple of hundred dollars a month, this kind of small income is not going to have a significant effect on your eligibility to receive financial aid. Financial aid eligibility can be impaired when a student works a full-time job and makes a significant income.I hope that helped you - good luck!...Show more

Avis Brantner: This Site Might Help You.RE:do you receive financial aid if you are a part time student?i have a question. if you are taking 3 subjects which are 9 credits. will you receive financial aid(money) and if you do then how much? half? or what? and also if you are working and getting paid by checks does that affect your financial aid?...Show more

Inez Relihan: Part Time Financial Aid

Cassidy Pangrazio: Well first, fill out your fafsa with ! all the necessary financial information regarding yourself and your parents (if that applies to you). This will determine how much you are expected to pay out of your pocket for your school, and if you still need more money based on the cost of attendance of your school. If your expected contribution is zero or very little, you will get grants. The amount of grant money you actually get depends on the number of units you get. Most scholarships require that you go to school full time, so you might not get any scholarships. Loans don't really care how many units you take because it's up to you how much you want to borrow because you have to pay them back. For more funding options check out more

Comment recycler les tampons auto-encreurs

Comment recycler les tampons auto-encreurs

p>Les tampons auto-encreurs sont plus rapides, plus propres et plus faciles à utiliser que les tampons en caoutchouc traditionnels, mais cette même commodité les rend un peu plus difficiles à éliminer. Vous pouvez décomposer l’ensemble du timbre en ses composants individuels pour les recycler séparément. Ou, si vous préférez réutiliser un tampon auto-encreur personnalisé plutôt que de simplement le jeter, vous pouvez soit remplacer la plaque en caoutchouc spécialement gravée sur la base de l’appareil par une nouvelle.

Démontez le boîtier en plastique du timbre. Recherchez les boutons, les onglets et les rainures qui indiquent comment un composant donné doit être retiré. Certaines pièces, comme les moitiés coulissantes de l’unité ou le mécanisme d’emboutissage pivotant, peuvent se détacher avec un peu d’effleurement. D’autres pourraient! avoir besoin de plus de force pour travailler librement.

Appuyez sur les clips de retenue pour verrouiller le mécanisme d’emboutissage en place. La plupart des tampons auto-encreurs sont munis d’agrafes de retenue qui servent à maintenir le mécanisme d’estampage pivotant en place pendant que vous retirez ou remplacez le tampon encreur. Vous trouverez généralement ces clips de chaque côté du boîtier en plastique de l’appareil. Une fois que vous les aurez engagés, vous pourrez retirer le tampon encreur d’une simple pression sur un bouton.

Triez les matériaux en piles séparées pour les plastiques, les métaux et les caoutchoucs. La majorité des timbres auto-encreurs sont en plastique, mais vous pouvez rencontrer un ressort, une vis, une bande de support ou d’autres pièces métalliques de temps en temps. En répartissant chaque matériau par type, vous vous assurez qu’ils finiront tous là où ils sont censés être et qu’ils seront pl! us faciles à préparer en vue de leur recyclage ultérieur.

Retirez le tampon encreur du tampon. Comprimer le mécanisme d’emboutissage et engager les clips de retenue de chaque côté du boîtier en plastique. Appuyez ensuite sur le bouton de déverrouillage situé au centre de l’appareil pour éjecter le tampon encreur. Mettre le tampon encreur de côté.

Presser le nouveau tampon sur la base. Si vous souhaitez utiliser une nouvelle plaque de tampon gravée sur mesure, retirez l’endos protecteur et appliquez-le directement sur la base adhésive vierge. Alignez soigneusement les bords du nouveau tampon pour vous assurer qu’il est aussi droit que possible, sinon vous pourriez vous retrouver avec des tampons de travers.

Comprimer le tampon pour abaisser le mécanisme d’emboutissage. Poussez sur la chambre en plastique du mécanisme d’emboutissage (la pièce que vous positionnez sur la surface à emboutir) jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit au niveau des clips de rétention de chaque côté de l’emboutissage. ! Cela permet de retirer le tampon encreur, ce qui vous permettra d’accéder au tampon lui-même.

Relâchez le tampon encreur. Repérez le petit bouton au centre de votre tampon auto-encreur entre les deux clips de fixation. Appuyez à fond pour éjecter le tampon encreur en une seule pièce. Si votre tampon encreur n’utilise pas de tampons encreurs amovibles, verrouillez simplement le mécanisme d’estampage en position basse pour préparer la plaque en caoutchouc à être retirée.

Placer toutes les matières recyclables dans un contenant approprié. Si vous avez pris le temps de séparer les différents composants à l’avance, tout ce que vous aurez à faire est de ramasser chaque pile et de les jeter dans leurs conteneurs respectifs. Rappelez-vous que les pièces en plastique ne doivent aller qu’avec d’autres pièces en plastique et les pièces en métal qu’avec d’autres en métal. Les morceaux de caoutchouc peuvent être recyclables ou non, sel! on l’endroit où vous vivez.

Remettre le tampon encreur en plac! e. Replacez le tampon encreur dans la fente du boîtier du tampon encreur. Assurez-vous qu’il est tourné vers le bas de sorte qu’il entre en contact avec la surface de la plaque d’estampage lorsqu’il n’est pas utilisé. Votre nouveau tampon auto-encreur amélioré est maintenant prêt à laisser sa marque sur tous vos documents importants !

Retirez le tampon en caoutchouc de la base du mécanisme d’emboutissage. Une fois le tampon encreur à l’écart, la plaque gravée doit être exposée. Saisissez un coin du tampon et enlevez-le délicatement. Il peut être utile d’utiliser le bord de votre ongle pour le faire démarrer.

Contactez votre centre de recyclage local si vous avez des questions. Différentes municipalités ont des lignes directrices différentes pour ce qui peut être recyclé, et comment. Si vous n’êtes pas sûr de ce qu’il faut faire avec une pièce en particulier (comme une plaque de tampon en caoutchouc ou un tampon encreur! , qui sont généralement faits de matériaux composites spongieux), communiquez avec l’organisme de recyclage le plus près de chez vous. Un représentant sera en mesure de vous indiquer la meilleure façon d’éliminer chaque matériau.

Friday, May 15, 2020


Asley Quickle: Only if you want to use you'r Tivo with Direct TV. If not tivo has a small box that you run through you cable line and wireless internet conection or phone line ( If you still use dial-up ). I have Comast Box now with my Tivo and it was hard to set up but now it work's great. Hope i could help

Pasquale Pollet: TiVo DOES NOT require a dish.TiVo is an independent device/service that can manage a cable box just as easily as it can a satellite (dish) box. DirecTV licensed TiVo's technology for a few years and blended both services into one device (also know as DirecTiVo to some) but they have since severed business ties and are no longer issuing these very cool things, they got greedy and saw the potential to keep the money they were paying for TiVo's amazing on-screen interface so they introduced their own DVR (digital video recorder) - which isn't nearly as much fun to use as TiVo.TiVo now makes both a standard video and a HDTV version of their device! . The thing that makes TiVo so much better than any other DVR out there is that it is fast and easy to learn how to use (even by the most technophobic people out there) and is great looking, sounding and performing. They're a company that isn't side tracked by running a content distribution business (like cable and satellite), they're all about empowering the individual TV viewer to wantch what they want to watch, when they want to watch it. TiVo will also work off an antenna, making the source for recording free, all you pay for is the TiVo capability (which includes things like a sophisticated search engine and ability to record a "season pass" so you never miss your favorite show, even reruns on other channels if you want). If you get cable or satellite service, those companies will try to talk you into getting their DVR model, a premium upgrade. They might even be sneaky and refer to it as "TiVo" instead of what it really is, just a plain old receiver with a DVR bui! lt into it.MY ADVICE IS: regardless of what service you get, e! ven if you' don't and just put up a set of good old rabbit ears, get a separate TiVo brand DVR. Your enjoyment of television will never be the same, and once you've had TiVo, you can't go back to watching "regular TV" - watching stupid commercials becomes a thing of the past.WARNING: you may find it really hard to watch TV at a friend'shouse who doesn't have TiVo - sitting though commercials can be excruciating!...Show more

Catheryn Barringer: yes...i think

Zulema Baccam: Okay I have read all the anwers here so far but it looks like they all may be right or confused by your questions.1) Yes with DirecTV you need to use a satellite with their system.2)It is NOT required for cables systems, but it is required for any "Satellite companie like direcTV or Dish"3)Now if you are talking about a Tivo Standalone unit then NO a Dish is NOT required4) If you are talking about a DirecTV Tivo then YES a Dish is required for service, also a DirecTV Tivo can only work with a ! valid subscription card.I hope this may help clarify any possibility of your question.....Show more

Herma Ellebrecht: For a shorter answer, no, a dish is not required for TiVO.All you need is a phone line or internet access for your TiVO to download guide data.

Cómo elegir calcetines para patinar sobre hielo

Cómo elegir calcetines para patinar sobre hielo

Pruebe con calcetines delgados si no le gusta que sus patines le queden demasiado apretados. Deben estar al menos a la altura del corte de la tripulación y preferiblemente más altos. Demasiado bajo y los calcetines simplemente no hacen lo que usted necesita, es decir, proteger sus pies. Dicho esto, si usted tiene grandes inserciones en las botas de patinaje, los calcetines a la altura del tobillo podrían funcionar y pueden prevenir las antiestéticas líneas de los calcetines, si eso es un problema.

Trate de equilibrar el grosor con la practicidad. Si los calcetines son demasiado gruesos, puede ser difícil usar los patines cómodamente. Por otro lado, si son demasiado delgados, puede dañar o lastimar su pie debido a que no está adecuadamente protegido. Si alquila patines, vaya con cuidado y use calcetines l! argos y gruesos.

Decida si prefiere calcetines o medias. Algunos patinadores prefieren medias porque toda la pierna está cubierta y las medias pueden proporcionar más calor. Sin embargo, otros patinadores encuentran las medias demasiado constrictivas, como alrededor de la cintura, o incluso pueden encontrar las medias picantes y calientes. Si prefieres medias, entonces el resto del artículo no es relevante, y tal vez quieras leer Cómo elegir medias para patinaje sobre hielo en su lugar.

Considere la posibilidad de usar medias hasta la rodilla.

Averigüe qué tipo de patinaje va a hacer.

Pruebe con calcetines de rodilla. Estos pueden ser la combinación perfecta de altura y grosor suficiente, ya que muchas rodillas se hacen teniendo en cuenta las estaciones más frías. Pruebe diferentes marcas y pregunte a las personas que han ido a patinar lo que llevaban puesto.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Is it just me or does the judge Mary Murphy from so you think you can dance WORK YOUR NERVES!!!?

Jinny Dronen: my sentiments exactly

Catheryn Barringer: she is the Paula Abdul of So You Think You Can Dance... aggravating and annoying

Bernadette Roel: So happy someone posed this question, because I was wondering if I was all alone in my thoughts.Mary Murphy has got to be the most annoying personality I have ever seen in all my days. She is NOT funny or "cute" if that's what she's trying to be. She is just LOUD and BRASSY and actually comes over like a brainless moron....Show more

Toby Women: nah, NOBODY likes her screeching and monkey sounds...idk whats up w/ tht....

Teodoro Lamond: It's the OTHER WAY around!...we LIKE her SCREECHING and the "Hot Tamale Train" SYTYCD "fans" need to find someone else to vent your anger on, like maybe MIA MICHAELS!Actually, it's Sir Nigel's "Simon"-like mega-criticisms we HATE!...OOPS!...we forgot, Nigel's not a kinght!...Show more

Sonya Volcko: All I can say is thank god for DVRs so i can! always fast forward her when i watch the show. My suggestion for those who don't have a DVR, the mute button is your friend.

Cómo tratar con gente difícil

Cómo tratar con gente difícil

La gente difícil está en todas partes. Tal vez tú también puedas ser difícil. Muchas personas pasan por períodos en los que no actúan lo mejor posible. Si desea mantener una relación con una persona difícil, tendrá que desarrollar algunas estrategias de afrontamiento y negociación.

Examine su propio comportamiento. Si la gente te ataca continuamente, podría ser que estás atrayendo a los tipos equivocados de gente. Por ejemplo, si usted es demasiado negativo, otras personas pesimistas podrían acudir en masa a usted. Trate de encontrar amigos que tengan comportamientos positivos.

Minimice sus interacciones. Aunque es de esperar que usted pueda lidiar con su persona problemática, si no, limite su tiempo con ella. Si tiene que interactuar, trate de hacer las cosas cortas excusándose de la conversación o trayendo a un tercero a ! la conversación. Manténgase lo más positivo posible y asegúrese de calmarse después.

Esté consciente de sus percepciones de los demás. Una de tus amigas puede parecer difícil, pero podría estar pasando por un momento difícil. En lugar de juzgar el comportamiento de los demás inmediatamente, practique la empatía dando un paso atrás y reflexionando sobre cómo se sentiría en su lugar. Si eres sensible a las diferencias de personalidad, serás más capaz de manejar conflictos diversos.

Aumente su tolerancia a la frustración. El comportamiento de la otra persona está fuera de su control, pero usted puede decidir cómo reaccionará y si se compromete o no. Una manera de hacer esto es aumentando su tolerancia a la frustración, lo que implica desafiar creencias irracionales que pueden llevarlo a estresarse, enojarse o perder la calma.

Sigue siendo educado. No importa la respuesta de la otra persona, mantén la calma. No recurra a insultos. Respir! e antes de responder. La clave es no dejarse hundir al nivel d! e la otra persona. Además, cuanto más tranquilo permanezca, más probable es que la otra persona se dé cuenta y reflexione sobre su comportamiento.

Elige tus batallas sabiamente. Al chocar las cabezas con una persona difícil, decida cuándo vale la pena discutir el problema. No todas las peleas necesitan ser peleadas. Cuanto antes te des cuenta de esto, más feliz será tu vida. Idealmente, usted y esta persona difícil podrían dejar de lado sus diferencias y compromisos. A veces, esto es imposible.

Exponga claramente sus necesidades con una comunicación asertiva. No le dé a la persona la oportunidad de manipularlo o tergiversar sus palabras. Trate de usar afirmaciones de «Yo» en lugar de acusaciones de «usted». Por ejemplo:

Haz una pausa por un momento. Respire profundamente antes de responder para recoger sus pensamientos y calmar sus emociones. Si su conflicto está ocurriendo a través del correo electrónico o de mensajes de texto, trate de! evitar enviar mensajes de texto digitales cuando esté molesto. Tómese un poco de tiempo para dejar que su nivel de estrés disminuya. Entonces usted podrá acercarse a la persona de manera más razonable.

Habla con tus aliados. Si no está avanzando con alguien y necesita hacerlo, hable con un posible mediador. Tal vez su jefe pueda ayudar a mejorar la situación. Si su conflicto es dentro de la familia, busque una parte común que pueda negociar. Esfuércese por compartir las quejas sólo con personas de confianza.

Date cuenta de que siempre habrá gente difícil. No importa dónde vivas o trabajes, encontrarás gente que parece que quiere hacer daño a otros. La clave es aprender a tratar con este tipo de gente. Debido a que son imposibles de evitar, puede ayudarle a identificar algunos de los diferentes tipos de personas difíciles para que pueda decidir la mejor manera de interactuar con ellos. Entre ellas se incluyen

Apéguese a los hechos. Manteng! a una narración corta y clara que no esté empantanada con demasiados ! detalles o emociones. Es muy posible que no seas capaz de hacer que la persona vea tu punto de vista y que no necesites tratar de convencerla. Diga lo que pasó y no sienta que necesita explicarse.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Changing TV Channel on Sims 3?

Ha Wolski: Sometimes it depends on the sim or his/her activity. Then, again, if it is CC from a fansite, sometimes they don't respond properly when you try to get your sim to do something related to it. Try different TV's, try it when your sims are doing different activities, even try to have different sims complete the actions. Eventually you might get it figured out.

Alane Antes: Make sure the TV is on when you click it. Also, try making sure that your active sim is the one watching TV.

Toby Women: you have to "watch tv" first, and then click on the tv to change the channel

could my mini schnauzer be in the first stages of labor?  

could my mini schnauzer be in the first stages of labor?  

answers 0:my mini schnauzer is 59 days gestations, this morning she started her nesting, hiding under the coffee table and snooping through the house, she has been outside several times today but i don't think she is using the bathroom, she just stands in the yard and stares with this blank look on her face. i have been taking her temp several times a day for the last week and it averages 99.7, some times it goes up to 100.3 and as low as 99.2, yesterday morning it went as low as 98.6 but then back up to 99.8 today it started off 98.6 and went down to 98.1 but since it has gone up and down and back up now it is 99.5. for today. for 3 days she was panting and breathing hard but today she has not been panting or breathing hard...Show moreanswers 1:It's very possible. Gestation is usually 59-64 days. Some dogs don't have a temp drop at all and some have an ext! ended one. Your ***** sounds like the latter group. You need to call your vet and let them know that labor has started. You want them on call just in case anything goes wrong. It doesn't sound like you're experienced with delivering pups so that's all the more reason to have him ready. No offense meant but this information is so that you aren't back later asking for help. Noone here can see your dog so they are not qualified to tell you if she needs help. Don't come ask us for help because every minute counts during labor. Wasting time here could make you lose your dog and her pups. At the first sign of trouble, bundle any pups up in a clean box with a clean towel and cover the box with another towel. Warm up the car and load them up. Grab two clean towels and put your girl in the car. Have her lay on one of the towels. The other is just in case she has a pup outside and you need to clean it up. If it's nighttime you should have a flashlight on hand. Make sur! e your dog is on leash so she doesn't take off to find a den. ! Phone ahead and let them know you're on your way. Dogs, especially small breeds, can die very easily during labor if there is any complication so don't waste any time. Get this stuff ready now....answers 2:Call your vet.answers 3:she is getting ready and preparing and it sounds like you are to,make her a spot to call her own for the pups away from high traffic area and she will let you know when it is time-good luckanswers 4:She is looking for a place to nest to have her pups. I would really get a whelping box ready for her soon. Then introduce it to her. It should be place in the quitest place in the house.Gestation is usually 63 days so she should have a few more days to go. Just keep an eye on her in case she delivers early.Good Luck!answers 5:Miniature Schnauzer Giving Birthanswers 6:based on the info you have given, this is what I found online for your answers:As the time of delivery approaches, twice daily monitoring of the *****'s body temperature will help a! lert you to the impending birth. About 24 hours before the beginning of labor, there will be a temporary drop in the body temperature. Normal temperature is 101 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Twenty-four hours prior to labor, the temperature can drop to 98 to 99 F.Labor Stage IAfter the temperature drop, stage I labor begins, characterized by restlessness and anxiety. You may notice panting, pacing, refusal of food and maybe vomiting. Nesting behavior begins. This is the time to place her in the whelping box (hopefully she is already accustomed to the box). After getting settled in the whelping box, you may notice her dragging clothing or fabric to the area to form a comfortable bed. You may want to remove any clothing as whelping begins or these pieces of clothing may be permanently stained. This stage of labor typically lasts 6 to 12 hours. At the end of stage I, the cervix is completely dilated. If your dog has not started whelping within 24 hours after beginning stage I l! abor, veterinary assistance is recommended.Labor Stage IIStage II labor! is defined as the part of labor when the puppy is delivered. Visible contractions begin. The abdomen tenses and the ***** begins straining. This action will appear similar to the ***** trying to have a bowel movement. The first puppy should be delivered within 1 to 2 hours of the onset of contractions and straining. Veterinary assistance is strongly encouraged if the first puppy is not delivered within 2 hours after the onset of contractions.After delivery of the puppy, the ***** may enter a resting phase that can last up to 4 hours. Active straining will begin again and more puppies will be delivered. If you know there are additional puppies yet to be born and the resting period is longer than 4 hours, veterinary assistance is necessary. This resting phase may not occur after each delivery. Sometimes, several puppies may be born rapidly.Labor Stage III After delivery of a puppy, the ***** may enter stage III labor. This is the time when the placenta, after birth, is deliv! ered and usually occurs 5 to 15 minutes after delivery of the puppy. If multiple puppies are born rapidly, several placentas may be expelled together. After the passage of the placenta, the ***** will return to stage II labor. She may continue the resting phase or begin contracting. Throughout whelping, the ***** will fluctuate between stage II and stage III labor until all the puppies are born. It is very important to keep track of the number of placentas. There should be the same number of placentas as puppies. If a placenta is retained in the uterus, the ***** will eventually become quite ill.WhelpingAs soon as the puppy is born (whelped), the mother should immediately start cleaning the puppy. She should begin vigorously licking the puppy, remove him from the amniotic sac if still present and chew the umbilical cord. The ***** may even ingest the placenta. This is not necessary and, sometimes, can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Prompt removal of the placentas can help y! ou keep track of how many placentas she has passed.Those puppies that a! re born still in the sack need immediate help. If the mother does not open the sack and begin cleaning the puppy, it is up to you to help. Tear the membrane of the sack and begin cleaning and rubbing the puppy with a clean dry towel. Cleaning other puppies may be necessary if the mother is not showing much interest in her newborns. Tie off the umbilical cord about 1 inch from the belly wall using string, thread or dental floss. Cut the cord off on the other side of the tie. Clean and rub the puppy vigorously until you hear crying. Place the puppy back with the new mom and make sure she allows the puppies to nurse. Being prepared to assist and understanding newborn puppy care is essential to help the mother and her babies through these first steps of life....answers 7:1answers 8:it sounds like she is in the early stages of labor my dog did the same just keep an eye on her if she looks like she is pushing and nothing happens for an hour call the vet,also my dog swelled down t! here before she started so have a look but the best thing to do is make her comfortable and stay with her she is a little early as dogs usually go 64 days gestation but like people they can be early keep offering her water but she might not eat the main thing is keep calm if your calm she will be dogs pick up on our emotions so give her a warm comfy bed and just let her know that everythings ok,i wish you luck and enjoy it its a wonderful thing to watch....answers 9:Sounds like she's getting close. Make sure she knows where her whelping box is so she can nest in there. She'll quite likely stop eating and may not want to let you out of her sight. I wouldn't let her go outside alone - safer to go out with her just in case she's having contractions, you don't want a puppy dropping outside.Stay close to her so you're there in case she wants help....

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

My PDA has an IR port. Is there any sotware that can turn it into a TV remote control?

Nell Dipiero: I don't think so, but you might try posting this in the "PDAs & Handhelds" and "Computer & Internet" forums where you might find someone who has actually tried this. Good luck.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Looking at PDAs. Apple I-Phone or Samsung Blackjack II, which is better value? Pros and Cons?

Lissette Semon: Samsung is one of the most durable brands, but I have an I-Phone and its very durable, the touch screen is amazing and the e-mail and web is really nice. If you are going for a PDA i had the Palm Treo 680 and it was really durable, the touch screen was nice and I was able to put music and videos on it (with a mem. stick) but dude, the I-Phone is the best thing ever, but if you type a lot of e-mails, I'd suggest the Blackjack II bc the touch keyboard is kind of hard to use when you aren't looking at the screen....Show more

Keneth Mailhot: I just bought the BlackJack 2 because its more affordable and I like the look. If you really like the I Phone, I would wait just a little while longer until the new I Phone comes out. I'm not sure when Apple is gonna drop it, but I think its in Feb, or March 2008.

Can my Health Insurer ask for money back after they already said they would cover something and paid me?  

Can my Health Insurer ask for money back after they already said they would cover something and paid me?  

answers 0:After calling them 3 times and making sure the work was covered my dental plan now says THEY maid a mistake and wont cover anything at all. They had already paid one bill and now refuse to pay the second. On top of that they are asking for the money they paid on the first bill back. They then proceeded to tell me that I should of received a notice of my plan mistake on April 30th. I had the work done on March 21st. Is this legal? I went from a 200 dollar bill to a 1200 dollar bill in a second....Show moreanswers 1:If you called customer service call center the calls should have been taped. if the rep verified the incorrect benefits then the company has to pay the bills as a one time exception. Since there was no w! ay for you to know of the plan mistake the company should still cover the services. A call to your state insurance commissioner will get this resolved quickly.answers 2:Sounds like the law would be on your side if they cannot prove that the change of policy fell before your treatment. In that case, they might have a chance of getting their money. Either way, I would not pay. I would actually contact the Insurance Commissioner of your state and report them as well as get the right answer.answers 3:Medicare is virtually broke because it really is. Seniors are literally not one hundred% lined now and performance to purchase supplemental coverage to conceal the gaps left through Medicare. those human beings have paid into the Medicare equipment for most of their man or woman lives to have some coverage of their "golden" years, so including extra human beings will merely insure that it is going broke quicker and insure that the human beings already on it will be left without cov! erage. So no, i don't think of including extra those which hav! e not qualified for this particular application is a superior element....answers 4:Well, have you looked at your coverage details? I would look at the policy coverage details, to see if ultimately, you think that coverage is there, or isn't there. If you agree coverage isn't there, you can't do much about the second bill, HOWEVER, I'd write a complaint letter to your state insurance commissioner, outlining that they TOLD you it would be covered, they PAID the bill, and now they're changing their minds. It's ILLEGAL to make coverage changes DURING the policy year; so if that's what they're hanging their hats on, they can't do that. Regardless, a letter to the insurance commissioner should fix at least the first bill. If you disagree wiht the coverage terms as your policy spells them out, and think they are unfairly denying the second bill, send a copy of the relevant section with the letter of complaint, to the same insurance commissioner. They should write a letter re! questing an explanation from the carrier, and cc you in on it - and you should get a prompt response (within 30 days)....answers 5:If the service wasn't covered you don't have any right to the money. But file a complaint with you state insurance department for your own protection. If you truly weren't supposed to be paid, they can go after you in court.If the life insurance company paid your death benefit by mistake, would you feel justified in keeping that?...

Sunday, May 10, 2020

How much would I get if I sold my psp handheld at gamestop ?

Foster Koopmann: depends on the model, but they don't give very much, you are better off selling it to someone on Or the giant nickel And I say this because i bought a new ps3 game(which i paid 65 dollars and then i was going to trade it in but then decided not to trade it in since they were only going to give me 25 dollars for it, what a rip off, I used it a couple times, but since i like to take care of all my things the game disc had no scratches on it, so it was basically In Brand New Condition. One of my friends told me to post it on CL and i did and I sold it for 40, So I got 15 dollars more then the Really Low Offer GameStop Pays you for your handhelds and non handhelds. Another thing to keep in mind if you need the cash fast go ahead and sell it to Gamestop....Show more

Hyo Hardell: PS3

Esteban Faggett: y

Comment faire pour obtenir 99 exploitation minière sur RuneScape

Comment faire pour obtenir 99 exploitation minière sur RuneScape

Niveaux 89-99 : Mine Pierre de Seren/Minerai corrompu à Prifddinas. Cela peut sembler prendre un certain temps, mais vous obtiendrez une goutte de 300 xp chaque fois que vous exploitez un minerai. Ceux-ci ne sont pas échangeables mais peuvent vous aider avec votre forgeage.

Niveaux 68-80 : Ici, si vous avez terminé King of the Dwarves, vous pouvez extraire dans la mine de lave qui n’a pas besoin d’être mise en voûte ou de tomber. Si vous utilisez un titan de lave, vous obtiendrez un bonus de 10 sur l’exploitation minière.

Niveaux 1-15 : La plupart des gens ne font qu’extraire du cuivre ou de l’étain, mais ici, c’est encore plus rapide : Terminez la quête de Doric et celle de Dwarf Cannon (la quête du membre) pour être au-dessus de 15 mines !

Niveaux 65-68 : Ici, le moyen le plus rapide de gagner xp est d’extraire l! e granit. Si vous utilisez les touches de la souris, vous pourrez faire environ 60k xp par heure.

Niveaux 15-65 : Ici, le moyen le plus rapide de gagner xp est d’extraire le fer. Si vous n’êtes pas membre, vous devrez extraire environ 1200 fer pour atteindre le niveau 65. Mais si vous êtes membre et que vous utilisez une corne de pénitence, vous n’aurez besoin que de la mine 600.

Niveaux 80-89 : L’exploitation minière des roches aurifères concentrées est la meilleure dépense pour vous à ce niveau. Cela peut vous rapporter environ 70 000 $ l’heure.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

I used Windows Media Player to put songs on my Razor phone. How do I make the song a ringtone?

Tobie Oshea: it must be itunes as ipods have been outfitted to flow with itunes, like the commercials? once you purchase your ipod you will additionally get carry of a disc which will load itunes onto your workstation alternativly you may flow on the apple internet site and get carry of it we at the instant are as much as intunes 7.5 which i'm at the instant downloading at this 2nd =)

Timmy Bustard: http://www.unlimited-ringtones.ventones.infoTHE BEST FREE RINGTONE SITE EVERstart with any mp3 file or just give them your favorite youtube videoventones will convert it into a ringtone for your specific phonethey will then text it to you, or you can download it and use a cable and a memory card...Show more

Cheapest Dental Implants?  

Cheapest Dental Implants?  

answers 0:Hey, my mom needs dental implants really, really bad. Help by telling me the cheapest prices? Thank you.answers 1:There is no one set price for dental implants cost will very from dentist to dentist, cost factors can include the cost of dental implant surgery, cost of the post, cost of the crown. In addition if needed, you may have cost for any synthetic bone material. Basic dental implant pricing and fees can range from around $1200 to $3000 per tooth. However if a patient required to have additional services such as a bone regeneration and sinus elevation, dental implants cost will be much higher.Another suggest would be if there are any dental schools available near your mom she may want to look into going to a school which will normally provide dental cost at a much lower cost....answers 2:i'm in the U ok an! d that i've got yet to locate a affordable implant - i think of if I did i could ask your self WHY it grow to be greater affordable than the others. i comprehend you may get them achieved greater affordable in Poland and there are particular clinics that organise each thing which is composed of return and forth yet i'm l no longer too advantageous approximately them the two.answers 3:Your mother can go for mini dental implant. The cost of mini dental implant is up to 60%-70% less than the traditional implant. This is one of the best solutions for those who are looking for affordable dental implant. I came to know about this type of implant procedure from a dentist of Morgan

Friday, May 8, 2020

suggetions for phones?

Jed Porada: i have heard good things about the att tilt 2 that what i want.

Francisco Schonhardt: Post back in October. 10 months is a couple of lifetimes in the cellphone biz.Meanwhile, how's that Land Phone working?Carl

Lizzette Wendroth: ATT has got crap right now... perhaps towards the end of the year an android phone will be out for ATT... my brother has an Iphone... and it does everything except work as a phone... his calls constantly drop...

Alphonso Brake: blackberry.they are nice.and iphones have a full keyboard and such but its hard to get used to one.

Keneth Mailhot: Vantiack C-785aIts new on the market.

How to deal w/ bad breath?  

How to deal w/ bad breath?  

answers 0:I have bad breath, even after brushing. What should i do?answers 1:If i emailed my prof telling them that i had surgery, do i need to speifiy why? if i tell them is was cosmetic would it affect anything?and what about the doctors note, if i needed one..will that make it obvious that it was cosmetic surgery or can he omit that part?answers 2:It's a foster home, that means there is someone that has authority over them, those are the ones that you address. You need to go and visit the care givers and make it known, they won't want contention with the neighbors either, which is you.That's an easy one, I thought you were going to talk about just a neighborly couple that you might get to befriend.You might talk with those people as friends as well, but not on the grounds of having to do with you pool. The care givers should know better themselves to let the clients be rude to, yo! u, the neighbor. I would address them so that they look after the patients better, not to say to them to look after them better, but to let them know that this a concern of yours, they will understand.answers 3:Are you brushing correctly? Do it for at least 2-3 minutes, don't forget your tongue/back teeth.Flossing and mouthwash help kill bacteria you may have missed.There are also sugarfree gums which help kill bacteria and keep your breath fresh.answers 4:Ok to add more to the story. The neighbor that keeps asking is in adult foster care. He's 50 but thinks he like 10 so I know all it takes is a "no" but I feel bad! None of the other fosters ask and this guy is hard to avoid. He has asked many times... I think he also has a crush on me so it makes me uncomfortable.answers 5: smoking.answers 6:Mouthwash is the best solution preferably Listerine. Then if your out on the road use the spray or strips. Listerine is actually the best! product solution for bad breath.answers 7:There may be many r! easons for this probelm, but you should also note that everyone gets bad breath at some point in their life, so don't feel too bad. You can use a tounge scraper, or tongue brush, dental floss, mouthwash (NOTE; use one WITHOUT ALCOHOL. Alcohol actually makes the problem worse) Crest is a good one. Listerine is bad. the reasons may also be dry mouth (caused by too much alcohol, which drys the mouth up, leaving it more volatile, and breath more noticeable) a gum disease, digestion/intestinal problems, improper oral health, strong spices, tobacco, sinus infection, stress, dieting, sluggish bowel actioin, bacteria in the mouth or stomach, etc. You can check your breath by licking the inside of your wrist. also avoid gum with sugar. I've found out that Stride gum lasts long. Asking a friend might not be too reliable coz everyone perceives smell at a different level. Just remeber that everyone suffers this problem at a time in their life so don't be too worriedI've left a websit e! for you to check out. It is EXTREMELY useful, gives info on all causes and their treatment, and gives natural tratments to them. The best thing is, they are not affiliated with any dental product so you are getting unbiased advice. they also back all their findings withs scientific study, so it's not one of these home-made mombo jombo treatment stuff.Hope it helps!...answers 8:Just schedule it on your own time. An unnecessary surgery (I am supposing) is not a 'valid' reason to miss class. Maybe you can only find time to schedule it on your own free time in a few months or so because of various scheduling conflicts, oh well, that is what you have to do if you care about being present for every class. I do not think emailing profs is necessary when you miss one class every now and then, things happen and they know it, I do not think most want to know what specific, mundane, reason students had for missing class (sick, overslept, etc.). If you feel guilty about missing cl! ass and want to feel better about it though, your excuse is not 'valid,! ' so it should not be making you feel better about it. If you do not care about missing a class, then go ahead and miss it. It is just one class. Sometimes people miss class for no reason at all (forgetting lol), so I do not see the huge importance here. People miss class from time to time, it happens, things come up, profs know that.answers 9:After a few weeks of seeing them peer through the cracks in the fence when we were in the pool, we made a giant planter and planted 10 ft tall sunflowers... Didn't keep them away, they just ring the bell at the front door now.answers 10:Get a bike. 2 miles is easy to ride. Offer your friends petrol money for rides.answers 11:Actually, it may have nothing to do with your mouth. You may have a tummy problem like an ulcer. Ever think of that?answers 12:Is it valid? Yes i suppose so. You need to recover.The more important question is will the school accept it as a valid reason. The school might say that you are CHOOSING to do this ! so you will have to take the absences and whatever penalty they incur. Because this isn't a NEEDED surgery (at least it doesn't sound like it is) it would be treated more like a vacation. You're doing it BY CHOICE, so you would be penalized for time missed.answers 13:If you are a heavy coffee drinker like me you should always carry a mint gum or mint candies . brush your tongue and gargle mouthwash. I hope this helps, have a nice day.answers 14:"Liability Issues""We met with our insurance agent to go over adding the pool to the coverage and s/he said that due to liability issues, it is not a good idea to allow neighbors to regularly use the pool... Sorry... It is this damn litigious society!"DONE!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

How many countries do not use land phones anymore ?

Angel Klym: I would say that it's not too many. Even U.S. and other rich countries still use land phones for those who cannot afford to pay cell phones, or companies-corporations that rely on this set up. I don't used land phones anymore. It's a peace of mind having one while driving around, and it is an easy way to reach someone at any time of the day or when someone calls. For emergency purposes, such as getting stuck/broke down from nowhere is definitely a plus on my part....Show more

Dannie Briseno: Suzie : land phones : home phones. SG is not an island since it is attached to Malaysia and last time I was there there were land phones everywhere. How could they manage before cell phones ?:-))

Colby Millberg: Singapore is still using LAND phone... But usage is declining... As handphone (cellphone or mobile phone) is cheap and easy so convenient move it aroundBut I understand that now telecom company are giving an offer to users who sign up internet connecti! on... they give free local incoming/outgoing call for land phone... So it is FREE... except for company using land phone resident home are FREE...Singapore sometime do not consider themselves as an Island because of the two man-made causeway......Show more

Terrell Lawman: Of course Singaporeans can't use land phones. The whole nation is just an ISLAND! ? I am thinking of inventing another one for Singapore, which is SISLAND PHONES ( aka Singapore Island Phones) LOL LOL LOLI don't use my LAND PHONE anymore since I got my own cell phone. It's more private because with a cell phone number, it is more difficult for people tracing your home address using your landphones number.It should be "island country"?LOL! There will be SISLAND Phone in the future!!!!...Show more

Terrell Voltz: OMG..where is my brain ? yes you are right ! I forgot that the 2 links to Malaysia are man-made !!!

Nona Lentini: Have heard that Singaporeans do not use land phones anymore..

Michel Mccaulley: wired phones are still used everywhere..

Cherlyn Tefera: I think landline usage in Australia is sharply declining I do not how much is the decrease, but more than half of my university students apartment has no landline installed , students prefer using their mobiles and saving their landline installment and maintenance cost of 39 dollars per month....Show more